Chapter 19: bond fire

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(A/N I did this on purpose it's suppose to be a pun🆙⬆️)

3rd person POV

After a very exciting game of volley ball, which the girl worn of course, they decided to make a camp fire even if they weren't really camping.

They had a few logs and camp chairs around the fire. The were all roasting marshmallows over the fire.

Stephanie and Cass shared a log. Bruce was sitting in a camp chair with selena sitting on top of him.

Marinette had a camp chair as well and had little Mar'i on top of her. The bluenette had become the little monsters favorite.

Dick was sharing a log with Kor'i. Jon with Damian. Tim with Barbara. And finally Clark with Louis.

Everyone was taking to each other of course.

"Let's play a game" Tim says bitting his marshmallow.

"Okay how about this, you tell us something that nobody or most of us don't know about you" Marinette says.  "I'll start, I used to be a stalker of some sort"

This makes everyone laugh.

"Who did you stalk pixie" Jason asks clearly amused.

"My ex boyfriend" I say "I was pretty much obsessed. Turns out he was a spineless coward who wasn't worth my time"

"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend" Damian questions.

"I don't have one I had one about 3 or 4 years ago before Lila. After that I just gave up on dating" I say. "Ok this is getting depressing let's move on"

"On me next" Tim says "hmm, let me think"

"Boo" everyone shouts throwing popcorn at poor Tim.

"He" he says making everyone giggle) chuckle.

"I've always wanted to be Batman" Tim says.

"I am Batman,I am the night" everyone says at the same time laughing.

"Me next" Mar'i says "when I grow up I want to be a superhero and save the day" the little girl says yawning and snuggling into Marinette.

Everyone had now changed into warmer clothes because it was getting a little chilly.

"In this family that's a guarantee" Stephanie says making everyone laugh.

"Nope no way" Dick says.

"I'll like to see you try stopping her I mean it's like a curse in this household" Marinette says.

"Then I'll ship her away" he says.

"Bruce already tried that" Marinette points out making Bruce groan.

"Your right, them I'll send her to space"

"Where is one of the leagues head cotters situated"

"Space" he says sighing in defeat. Everyone just laughs. Mar'i is now fast asleep. Marinette grabs a nearby blanket placing it on top of the sleeping child who was cuddling into her.

"Okay how about me next" Selena says "I literally kicked harley out of her room because I was going through depression even though I had my own"

"Why" Barbara asks.

"I don't know it felt more comfortable" she says earning a few giggles and chuckles.

"I dead terrified of pixie Pop" Jason say.

"Hey what did I ever do to you" Marinette shouts making everyone laugh once again.

"I really missed you all" dick says "life wasn't the same without your craziness"

"Nco" everyone says before throwing popcorn and him.

"What's that for" Dick asks.

"Your to mussy" Stephanie shouts groaning.

"Ok I'll go please don't hit me with popcorn" Barbara says making everyone laugh. "I felt useless without my legs"

"The great oracle useless" Tim shouts "let the sky's themselves open up gobbling up earth and all human kind as we know it"

Everyone laughs at his stupid comment.

"You never have and never will be useless Barbra" Dick says.

"Ok let someone from outside the family go" Jon says "I secretly have blonde hair"

"WHAT!!?" Everyone shouts.

"Nah just messing with y'all but let me be serious, hmmm, I've never dated in my life"

"Obviously" everyone minus Marinette says.

"I'm highly offended" Jon says dramatically making them all laugh.

"I hate working alone" Bruce says causing everyone to look at him in shock. Everyone shares a knowing look.

"I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman, I never work alone" they all say in a deep voice before bursting oit into fits of laughter.

"Very funny" he says joining them.

"Ok I'll go" Cass says shocking almost everyone "I don't like talking because I don't feel comfortable with talking to people and no one has ever really tried to help me with that issue"

"We'll try to from now on" Marinette says making the girl smile.

"We're not apart of this" louis and Clark say at the same time.

"I miss my home planet" Kor'i says making everyone smile.

"Demon spawn it's your turn" Jason says earning a glare from Marinette "sorry I meant Damian" he says clearing his throat making everyone laugh.

"I don't know how to speak to a girl" he whispers.

"Speak up Damian we can't hear you" Tim says as Jon and Clark share a knowing look holding back their laughter.

Damian takes a deep breath before repeating what he said.

"I said I don't know how to talk to girls" he says making the guys laugh.

"You not any better" Selena says to Bruce slapping the back of his head.

"Neither are you" Kor'i says mirroring Selena.

"Don't worry Damian you aren't the only one and if you need any help I'm hear to help"Marinette says making the boy smile.

The rest of the time is spent talking the night away. Soon they have to pack and head back home.


And that's it from me for today. Goodnight people. Please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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