Chapter 34: Gym and first date

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(A/N this is the longest book I've ever written and I hope your enjoying it so far)

3rd person POV

The last lesson finally came and today they were doing gym.

Marinette went to change in the school supplied gym clothes.

"Who the heck made these" Martha asked herself.

"A pervert of course" Bridgette says frowning. The gym clothes were a bit too revealing. Martha decided to do the only logical thing, wear black tights underneath.

"Why haven't I ever thought of that" Stephanie says huffing as she puts on a pair of tights she had brought.

The group of friends laugh all doing the same.

"Always be prepared" they all say at the same time heading out.

"Okay students today we're going to be doing dodge ball" he says making Lila smirk. "Captains will be the sausage hair girl and pretty bluenette" she says making most sneaker. "Bluenette pick your first pic a person for the team"

"Damian" Martha says knowing Lila would go for him first. "I'll pick you guys later" she whispers to the MPS earning nods of understanding.

"Alya" she says smirking.

In the end Martha's team consisted of Allan, Allegra, Damian, Cassandra, Stephanie, Chloe, Rachel, Luka, Kagami, Alix, Julika, Bridgette, Felix and Claude. This was because you could only pick twelve people.

Lila's team consisted of Alya, Nino, Rose, Ivan, Kim, Adrien,  Max, Nathaniel, Mylene, Sabrina and three random students that looked strong.

The game began. Five minutes into the game and half of Lila's team was out. Including the five string looking guys because they were strong not flexible. Martha was dominating enjoying hitting her former classmates.

She was especially proud when she managed to knock the wind out of Adrien. All of Martha's team was still standing. Lila had tried to lie but the teacher had been watching and had told her she's not an idiot.

Soon enough only Lila was left standing. She survived only because she kept hiding behind other people. Martha's team smirks looking at each other.

13 dodge balls are aimed at Lila. We it might have been double but who cares. All hit her and the group cheers in victory while the other group blushes in embarrassment.

"Well that was quicker than I expected" the couch says. "Everyone 3 laps on the track"

Everyone is soon running around the track. Marinette and Jon next to each other chatting.

"So he is the boyfriend" Kagami asks coming out of no where.

"Not yet" Martha says making her raise an eyebrow. Martha sighs picking up speed to avoid being farther questioned. Jon follows not too far behind.  Martha's family as they call themselves are not that far behind.

Well except for Allegra, Allan and Claude who don't usually do sports. The rest of the class and french class is way behind.

"How the heck are they so fast" Alya asked as she watched them beat the class by quite a distance.

Soon Jon and Martha had finished their three laps and were waiting for the rest to finish. Martha grabbed a water bottle.

"That was nice" she said seating herself down on one of the benches.

"Sure was" Jon says plopping beside her. Kagami soon arrives glaring at Jon.

"Nice warm up hah Mari" she asks stretching.

"Yeah" she says shocking those who were passing by.

"When your done you can do whatever you want" the teacher says leaving.

"So when did you guys arrive" Martha asks.

"Monday, yesterday we were touring WE" Chloe answers.

"That's great" Martha says scanning the group "You know this group has a few personality matches"

They continue conversing until it was time to change. They changed back into their normal clothes heading back home.

"So you still want to go on that date" Martha asks.

"Of course why wouldn't I" Jon asks.

"You know with all the knew information about me"

"Martha that just makes me love you more" he says as they turn into an empty hall way. Jon decides to mess with Martha pinning her to a wall.

"Jon you know this didn't end well last time" Martha says smiling.

"But you must admit you enjoyed it" he says softly kissing her. They pull away smiling before continuing their way out the school.

When they exit Stephanie immediately squeal while Chloe and Kagami look ready to kill. With Tim and Damian not far behind. Luka just looks calm as usual.

"Is that lipstick on your lips Jon" Cass asks smirking.

"Red lipstick the one Martha has on today" Stephanie says. Both immediately blush.

"Bug you have a date later today and I have to get you ready" Chloe says.

"Chloe what I'm wearing is fine" Martha says huffing. "Anyway we were heading to the date now so I can be home for dinner see you later" she says dragging a chuckling jon.

He wipes the lipstick of his lips using the makeup wipes Martha had given him.

Jon walks her to a nearby cafe.

"So what exactly are we planning to do on this date" Martha asks.

"Well we're just having coffee and whatever else you want and getting to know each other better"

"That sounds nice" Martha says smiling. They walk into the cafe taking a sit and ordering their meal.

They chat, joke and laugh through out the date. Sooner than expected it's getting late. Jon somehow ends up paying much to Martha's annoyance.

"Next time I'll plan it better" Jon says..

"So they will be a next time" Martha asks.

"If your up to it" he says.

"Of course" she replies pecking his lips before heading to the waiting limo.

"Thanks for picking me up Alfred" Martha.

"Anytime Martha" Alfred smiled.


Yeah that's it go today. Goodnight people. Please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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