Chapter 26: Hip hop and what I need

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Marinette's POV

I woke up and got dressed in my workout clothes. I make my way to the dance studio to find cassandra already there.

"Hey Cass" I say starting my stretches.

"Hi" she replies. As I finish stretching Stephanie comes in.

"Hey Cass how about we do hi hop today"

"Sure" she says.

"Steph please show us a video of your routine while you stretch" I say.

"Here" she says throwing the phone at us. The two watch the dance and when the moment the video finishes Steph asks.

"You ready"

"Sure" both me and Cass say at the same time standing behind her this time making sure the door was closed. We begin the routine.

(Like the one above but with only three people)

3rd person POV

The Wayne's enter the studio quietly not wanting to disturb the girls who were too involved in the song to notice them.

They sit themselves down watching as the girl do their moves flawlessly. Dancing in sinc as if it's something they used to. The moment the finish they clap switching off the live stream.

"We closed the door" Martha complains.

"Sure but we still got in" Jason says. Martha sighs separating from the group going to spar with a dummy.

"She's still mad" Damian says earning a nod from his siblings.

Marinette does a bit of training before checking the time. It's still 6 o'clock. She decides that she still has time and makes her way to the music room.

I make my way towards the piano and play a few notes that remind me of him. It's a song I had written because of him now I know exactly what it was missing.

I start recording letting my hands flow over the key and start singing.

Verse 1]

I'm going under, and this time, I fear there's no one to save me

This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy

I need somebody to heal, somebody to know

Does on really know how I feel.

Somebody to have, somebody to hold

Is he the someone I need in my life.

It's easy to say, but it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

With Jon it doesn't feel like another boy that who's going to break my heart but to be honest Adrien felt like he was the one as well.

Now, the day bleeds into nightfall

And you're not here to get me through it all

He wasn't there when I needed him most.
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug

I had let my guard down loving him with all my heart but then he cheated on me with the lier who was ruining my life.

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