Chapter 47: Waking up to birthday wishes

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3rd person POV

Martha woke up to a light figure throwing themselves on top of her.

"Happy birthday auntie Nette" Mar'i says making the MPS raise am eyebrow amused.

"Morning Mar'i-" Martha says before freezing. "WAIT WHAT"

"Happy birthday" everyone in the room shouts.

"It's my birthday?" She asks clearly confused. "Oh my gosh it's my birthday!!!!"

"God Mari-bug did you literally forget your own birthday" Chloe shouts quite dramatically.

"Not to lie I'm still trying to piece together when my birthday month came by" Marinette says making everyone laugh. "Oh my gosh it's my birthday and I'm spending the whole day preparing for some stuffy ball filled with rich jerks who do nothing but judge your every move"

"JASON!!" The Wayne's shout glaring at him knowing very well he had something to do with her though process.

"It's when she was seven all over again" Dick says sighing as Martha laughs.

"What happened when she was seven" Tim asks.

"Jason taught me the word-" Martha says.

"No" the two boys shout.

"Bruce almost killed me the last time" Jason says. "I accidentally said F*ck in front of her and spent a month teaching her it was a bad word"

"Anyways" Chloe says glaring at Jason for tinting her bugs innocent mind. "You do not have to work all day Mari-bug we'll all go take a shower we have to be at the living room in 2 hours  by we I mean the group from Paris including you Alix and Stephanie we have an interview for the big reveal. I'll prepare all outfits since I woke up early to keep to the schedule. Mari-bug I need access to your closet. I know I'm going to be the first human being in there but these people need clothes" Chloe says practically begging.

"Fine" Martha says sighing knowing very well someone had to go into her closet eventually.

"The Kents are doing the interview and Aurora and Mirell are flying in to represent Paris" Chloe says making Marinette squeal. "After the interview it a spa day for the girls while the boys hang out then gala"

"Can I at least help you with the clothes we have time" Martha whines.

"Fine" Chloe says sighing. "But as your personal assistant slash and second in command in everything you really need to let me do more for you"

"Why does she need all of that" Allegra asks.

"You'll find out soon honey" Chloe says looking over the clipboard that came out of nowhere. "Now everyone i mentioned minus Martha go take a shower while we pick your clothes"

"Yes ma'am" everyone says leaving the room laughing.

"So we get to see the inside of the princesses room" Tim jokes.

"Unfortunately you not going to be standing from the outside for once" Martha says sighing. "Well minus Jon when we worked on the project"

"Yeah worked" Babs says as they walk towards Martha's room cause her to roll her eyes. Martha opens the door waving them in. The gasp at the sight.

"This is bigger than your penthouse in Paris" Chloe exclaims clearly embarrassed.

"You have a balcony" Jason shouts.

"Why haven't I ever noticed that you have the best room in the house" dick asks.

"You haven't seen nothing yet"Martha says smirking as she opens her walk-in closet doors.

"Holly-" Jason says to be cut off by a glaring Dick's hand over his mouth. Mar'i was now in the room.

"This is not a closet it's a room" Claude shouts.

"Bigger than my room" Jason mumbles.

"Can I have a princess dress for the gala" Mar'i shouts making Martha giggle.

"Yes and I already have it ready and you'll get to see it later for now we'll get you something else just as nice" Martha says making the girl beam.

"Why the heck is your closet do big" Barbara shouts.

"Alfred thought I'll need a bigger space when I grew up so dad overreacted and turned a whole room into my closet" Martha says laughing. "In a way he was right I mean a designer needs her space. What kind of clothes are you looking for"

"Semiformal basically fit for a big interview and casual for the rest of the day" Chloe says. Martha nods walking around her well room closet.

She throws a few things in top of the couch. Couch the girl had a couch a huge full body mirror.

"Does it have a place for you tiara's" Allan jokes.

"Yes would you like one" Martha says not looking up making Chloe snicker.

"I'll like one" Mar'i says causing Martha to move to a remote pressing a certain button causing the wall to literally move revealing a whole way of jewelry she goes over her many tiara's choosing a simple pink diamond (if they such a thing)  tiara that she thought would match the dress she made for the girl.

"It yours now" she says handing it to the girl causing her to squeal. Everyone was still frozen in shock as clothes replaced the jewelry once again.

"How" Allegra asks.

"Filthy rich uncles and aunts who just love to spoil her" Chloe says in a bored tone picking up everything they had chosen making sure not to wrinkle them. They all exit the room closet knowing they were close to fainting. Martha places the clothes on the bed choosing to leave it for Chloe to sort out.

"Boys out girls I'm going to take a shower" she says causing their jaws to drop again.

"You have your own bathroom" the Wayne siblings shout.

"Yes" Martha says going into the bathroom and closing the door as Chloe laughed her a** of.


First umm plot twist done. It's Martha's birthday 😝😝😝. I'm can't wait to write the next chapter. Please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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