Chapter 41: Staying at home

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Martha's POV

I woke up groaning knowing very well I had a lot of work left. A princess from a small not very well know country had ordered a dress for her coronation adding to all the clothes I had to prepare including a bunch of celebrity friends who were coming.

I have at least half of it done. Today I just feel like dancing with the girls so I quickly get dressed and teleport to their room.

"You want to dance with the girls today don't you" Chloe asks earning an exited nod from me. "Fine Mari-bug only for you"

Chloe goes to get everyone including Luka we teleport back to the manor and head to the dance studio as Luka goes looking for the guys. We enter to Cass and Steph already there stretching.

"Hey guys" Steph says. "You planned something didn't you Martha" she asks eyes twinkling.

"Yes I have been working on a new dance with a new song and I want y'all to try it" I say handing them the phone as I begin to stretch while they watch the video.

"This is amazing Mari what do you call it" Alix asks.

"Hip hop- ballet" I say "it is a combination of the groups passion, love or talent" she says smiling proudly.

3rd person POV

Marinette positions everyone and begins the music. They start moving to the beat.

The rest of the Wayne siblings and Luka enter the room. Luka had to stop everyone from recording saying it would be hard to explain how they got to the manor.

"Wow girls impressive I've never seen that style below what's it called" Jason asks.

"It's a style I've been working on it's called hip-hop ballet. Don't be offended for not but you still new to walking" Martha says.

"I understand" Babs says smiling.

Time skip

Martha soon finished her morning training and went to shower. She came out sighing and decided to wear comfortable clothes today having had an idea.

She decided on grey sweatpants a pink crop top and and black hoodie on top of it. Black sneakers, hair down with absolutely no makeup. Not that she needed it.

She goes down stairs greeting her farther who she had not seen yet and Alfred.

"No over the top MSW original" Jason asks earning an eye roll.

"Dad can I spend most of the day at home, I have to many commissions to work on and little time to do so" Martha says.

"Now it makes sense" Tim says.

"She still looks impossibly hot" Stephanie says making the girl blush.

"It's okay Martha" Bruce says smiling. "Last minute commissions",

"From all over the world for your gala and one for a coronation" she says giving her father a playful glare while eating her breakfast.

"Jon is going to miss you" Stephanie teases making her blush.

"I'll probably be there by the last lesson to bit Lila in another stupid challenge" Martha says rolling her eyes. "Dad can I have a sleepover later"

"Sure" Bruce answers.

"I think Martha is the one weakness we all have" Jason says snorting.

"Yey" Stephanie says making the girl smile. Marinette finishes her breakfast.

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