Chapter 30: A little chat

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3rd person POV

Both aquaman and wonder woman paled up upon seeing how mad she was.

"What did I ever do to you" he asks slightly backing away.

Anger burns in the two girls eyes while her siblings are quick to intercept seeing that he'd end up dead. Jason and Tim drag her to the other side of the room.

"We take care of the killing" her brothers and Cass say at the same time.

"Never you" Damian says shocking everyone in the room. Marinette takes a deep breath and turns back smiling. It was pretty scary if anyone was being honest.

"You sir turned down a call for help from two teenagers" she says "that was at least 3 or four years ago. They had to fight a deranged villain for four years. The girl spent a year doing it alone because her because her partner was slowly drifting away. Dead bodies filled the streets of Paris all because of you. Teenagers, poor teenagers were scared for life"

"And how do you know that" he asks scoffing not believing the girl.

"Because you idiot I was one of those teenagers. In fact I was the one who called you at the age of twelve but you decided to call it off as a prank. I'm broken beyond repair because of you" she says glaring at him.

"That's enough Martha" Bruce says making the girl glare.

"No names on the field dad" she says shocking everyone.

"It's okay Martha everyone knows each others identities. You can trust them" he explains.

"Not all of them" she says glaring at the now pale green lantern making Bruce sigh.

"Please take her to the other room I don't need this place burnt down" Bruce says to the girls.

"Infact why don't all of you go to the other room while we discuss a few things" wonder woman says now glaring at green lantern.

Everyone considered a kid goes to the other room including all the bats and teen titans. Martha sighs detransforming.

Her sisters make sure to immediately give her a hug. She smiles wiping a few tears that had escaped her eyes.

"I need to breathe" she says as her siblings break the hug giggling.

"You okay pixie" Jason asks.

"Yeah I'll be alright" she says smiling.

Martha sighs once again shaking her head.

"So" beast boy asks walking over causing Martha to back away a little.

'right... Not a big fan of people she doesn't know' the Wayne's think signalling for him to stop.

And of course he doesn't notice them and gets little bit too close for martha's comfort. Her heart rate increases and she begins to breathe and quicker.

Jon is quick to notice this and comes to her side hugging her.

"It's okay starlight you can trust them" he says making her come down a bit.

"What does the princess have trust issues" he asks.

'idiot' the Wayne's thought as beast boy was punched to the other side of the room. She backs away staring to have flashbacks once again hyperventilating.

"Sh*t" the Wayne siblings say.

Jon makes his way towards Martha calmly hugging her.

"Ahh starlight come back to earth now" he says attempting to soothe her. "Stop thinking back, you live with us now not them"

Martha's breaths begin to even up and soon enough she's breathing normally. She hears her breathing becoming even signalling that she has fallen asleep.

Raven can't help but laugh at beast boy who is now standing on the other side of the room with a broken nose.

Everyone soon joins her.

"It's not funny" he groans fixing his nose.

"Is auntie Nette asleep" Mar'i asks Jon who was now holding a sleeping Martha.

"Yes" he answers smiling softly.

"It's been a long day" Plagg says floating out making almost everyone yelp. "I mean between waking up early, dancing, morning training, writing a new song, actually getting to school and using her energy to avoid sups over here only to end up in a closet with him exchanging saliva, music class and a visit from the kid over here, more exchanging of saliva, running on top of roof tops and having the sex talk with her mom and aunts, running away from them, yelling at the green idiot, I think hypoventilating and a puch was the last straw to her energy"

"PLAGG" Tikki says flying out and dragging Plagg back into the pocket.

"Was it me or was that a flying bug mouse" flash says.

"I'm not a bug mouse" Tikki says coming out observing the brothers angry looks. "Plagg is exaggerating they was no exchange of saliva as he puts it in the bedroom" she says before making her way back into the pocket.

Cass and Steph share a knowing look while Babs tries to keep the boys from killing Jon. Jon on the other hand is red thanking the God's martha wasn't awake to hear this.

"So that's why you care for her so much" cyborg says "the girl is your girlfriend"

"And here I thought I had a chance" beast boy says touching his nose making almost everyone laugh. Raven looks amused by the whole situation.

"Nah Jon hasn't found the balls to ask her out yet" Dick says being the only one of the Wayne siblings who actually seem calm.

"So she's still for grabs" beast boy jokes. Jon glares at him making everyone laugh. Martha snuggles closer to Jon making him blush.

"I guessing not" Rachel says pulling Damian away from Babs "calm down" she says making him blush.

"Wait she ran away from her mom and aunts because they were giving her the sex talk" Wally says "who the heck are these people"

"Oh you know her step mother is catwoman and her aunt's are Harley and poison Ivy"

"Strange but it somehow makes sense" blue beatle says.

Jon can here Martha mumble his name in his sleep causing her to blush.

"Your pushing it sups" Jason finally says glaring at the boy.

"I'll just take her home" Jon says.

"I'm sorry but I do not trust you with my sister" Jason says.

"Your dating their sister" beast boy says laughing "dude how are you still alive"

"That's simple" Cass says.

"Martha is hella scary when she's mad" Stephanie finishes.

"So the only thing standing between you and your death is her love for you" Tim says.

"Break it and you die" Jason says.

"Dude that's a lot to take" cyborg says.

"She's worth it" he says shrugging.


And there you go. The last update for today. Goodnight people. Please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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