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He walked slowly, feeling the cold wind grazing across his cheek as the little grey clouds fell like white crystals over their heads the moment he stepped outside, walking steadily alongside the road.
Walking in his short-sleeved white blouse, and yet the pure colour of the woven wool was contaminated with a red stain which sunk through deeply as he held Jimin in his arms.

Watching the wind shifting strands of Jimin's soft brown locks to the side, as if the wind was putting Jimin to sleep.
Singing him a lullaby.

A sweet sound escaped Yoongis lips as he looked ahead, feeling the brushing branches pulling him back.
And yet he pushed through, hoping he could see the smaller bright eyes one more time.

One last time to hear him speak, and one last time to hold his warm body in his arms.

Yoongi cleared his throat before feeling a sudden reflex push him forward, the suffocating tingling sensation in his throat which flung air out of his lungs.
He instantly cowered his back, watching as the red liquid splat onto the palm of his shaking hand, his eyes becoming drowsy as he clenched his fists.

"Dont you fucking think you will get me... I won't die yet"
Yoongi smirked as he pushed himself back up, feeling his knees giving in as his eyesight became blurry.
But this was a journey he had to make, no matter the hours.
No matter the distance.
This time he was going to give Jimin what he wanted, he won't be all alone anymore in that big empty house.
Now his home is in Yoongis arms, right next to the elder's unclaimed heart.

"W..we are nearly there, just one moment...a..and we will be there"
Yoongi spoke, yet his words became quieter.
His breath was unstable causing his muscles to break down slowly as he pushed forward.
Holding Jimin desperately while being extra careful not to drop him as the smallers head rested powerfully on his still thumping chest.

A smile, a small weak smile formed on Yoongis lips as he took one more step, staring down at the river beneath them.

"D..do you remember.... the day I saved you?..... you mustn't.... b..but I do...i..it was right here...wasn't it?"
Yoongi said to himself, staring down at Jimins lifeless body.
It really wasn't fair, he could still see the terror through Jimin's eyes.
His expression.

How could anyone have done this to his angel.

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