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The wind pushed forward calmly, twirling in piece with other beautifully inlined components of nature as it lifted up dead leaves.

Pushing the grass back and fourth as if dancing, the invisible force dominating the ballroom grounds with its strength before letting them go.
Flying in through the rift in the old wooden window panes, spiriling round and round before grazing along Jimins cheek.

A small uncomfortable puff escaping his lips from the sudden chills as he turned towards the only souce of heat before wraping himself around it, a wierd pain springing up his spain as he gripped tightly onto Yoongis shirt.
His messy hair sticking to all the directions of the world as he burried his head into Yoongis chest before hearing a small groan leaving the elder lips as he pulled Jimin in before laying a thick wooly blanket over them

"Let me sleep, stop moving."

Yoongi whispered into Jimins ear with his raspy yet slow morning voice, Jimin wasnt sure why but the sound waves vibrated in his eardrums.
Making  it hard to stop his heart from pounding so loudly when all of the sudden he remembered the night before.
A dark blush forming on his soft milky cheeks as he held onto Yoongis arm tightly with a small smile, his soft brown hair resting on Yoongis arm as Yoongi moved his head forward before placing his lips on the others cheek

"Happy birthday Jimin.. your 20 now"

"H...huh? Y..you remembered after all these years?"

Jimin chuckled lightly before feeling Yoongis thumb massaging the palm of his hand gently, reassuring the other as he let a small humm escape his lips.

"Why would i forget?.. yesturday i gave you your birthday present which wa-"

Before Yoongi couldn't finish speaking Jimins hands covered his lips causing Yoongi to squinted his eyes before pinching Jimins hip ever so slightly.
A small grin forming behind it as he pulled Jimins hands away, placing his hand on the side of Jimins cheek as he leant in for a kiss.
The moment was sweet and inocent, which was even more of a reason why he wanted to kill the person who desided to walk through the doors.

"Sorry to disturb, but i need to talk to you Yoongi."

"Oh dear- your still alive? I thought you were long dead"

"Im not dead, unless your talking about from my waist down. Ill fucking MURDER that kid the next time i see him"

Yoongi laughed as he sat up, Jimin followed only for his eyes to meet a unfamiliar face.
The male was tall and handsome, his body was like a beautiful antique statue as he leant against the door phrame.
His eyes locked with Jimins as he gave the smaller a small smile.

"Looks like the sleeping princess finally woke up huh"

"W... wait did you come by yesturday?"

Jin blinked before feeling his heart melt as he heard the others voice. A angelic tune that he suddenly couldent get out of his mind.

"Yoongi- dont tell me you-"

He couldent finish as he felt a pillow thrown at him, Jimin getting up onto his feet all flustered as he stood up on the bed.
Trying to make the most iradical excuses as Yoongi sighed, sitting up as he held Jimins shirt down so that his assets didnt shoe as the younger was getting all worked up over nothing.

"How can you be so energetic first thing in the morning? Get back down here"

Yoongi gritted his teeth as he pulled Jimin down onto his lap before pecking the side on his cheek.

"Now behave as i talk to unkle Jin"

"Uncle? How old do u think i am"

Jin scoffed as he rolled his eyes before walking over towards the small bed, taking no shit as he sat down on its edge while glancing around the room with a humm.
It seemed coasy, most likely abandoned during this time of the year.

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