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His eyes.

The deep dark chokolate brown eyes that became narrow. like sharp raisors cutting though Jungkook every time their eyes made contact.

Either way that was much better than not having the others presence at all, and yet he broke any eye contact with every chance he had as he kept his head down.
His fringe drifting in the air, covering his galaxy orbes as a stapled cold emotionless expression stuck to his face as he rested his head back against the wall, his hands chained togeather in a straight line.

It was funny, Jin never trusted anyone except that one monster.
And the moment he gave a kid with potential a chance the other miss uses it, broke it like a cheap piece of porceliene.
Using rocks and hammers to crush him to pieces.
How crule.

But its not like Jin had long to regret, he didnt have much longer to live at this rate anyway.

Instead he prayed, he didnt believe in god.
But if it ment it that the other two had a bigger chance of escaping he wouldn't mind, after all that kid changed Yoongi.
Something inside Yoongi switched back on, weather it was feelings or even if that kid was the key to his heart.

Whatever it was that kid must have ment alot to Yoongi, making him going as far as crashing someone else's mission to save the kid.
Well Jin could bet millions that it wasnt originally in Yoongis thought process, but inside he knew.
Yoongi wanted to save that kid all along, weather it was killing him himself or keeping him alive.

Jin couldent help but grin at the thought, many of the people here could never find their true happiness.
And Yoongi was the one person who had no chance.
He was the most brutal and mindless killer out of them all, and yet he was able to spair one little boys life in exchange for his.
Though not so Little, Jimin seemed to be enaugh to make Yoongi sane again.

"What are you smiling about?"

"What's it to you?"

Jin's expression instantly fell as he turned his body around, being in a cell like room with extra security wasnt his favourite thing to do on a Friday night.
Even more so if he was stuck with that bunny toothed ass hole, he'd much rather be killed right there and then.

"Ahh why so cold? I thought you like these sorts of things"

Jungkook smirked as he rested his arms on the bars, staring up at Jin with sharp cold eyes.
Sure Jungkook looked somewhat intimidating, but Jin just kept a blind eye as he flipped the younger off.

"Cant you just kill me already? I dont really apreciate your company anymore"

"Oh anymore? Hmm i never realised you enjoyed it in the first place"

"Thats was past tense, you can burn in hell for all i care now... go to hell bunny boy"

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