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"One.... two.... three"


A small voice echoed around the large empty house, creating a gentle yet peaceful melody as the longitudinal soundwaves reflected from the walls.

Jimin sat there silently staring at the plane cards that were laid out in front of him, a quiet foreign thought crossed his mind as he lifted the glue starting to go bonkers on the stickers and drawings as he stuck them onto the blank cards with a chuckle.
Breaking the plane-ness with all the extravagant colours that exploded with happiness.

"One for Tae, one for Hobie and one for- um...who did I want to give the third one to?"

Jimin sighed, staring at the leftover card blankly before feeling a sudden spark In his eyes as he slowly got up.
Patting off the dust from his shorts before scooping up the shoe sized cards and running upstairs, the sound of footsteps echoing around the house as he pushed through a pair of big wooden doors.
He lived with his father, who was a very wealthy man. Jimin loved the house, but it was too big for the two of them.

A small hindered sweat droplet rolled down his cheek as he took out a pair of scissors, pressing the blade against the card before feeling a gentle chill running across his back as he stared down at the card.
A small smile formed over his lips as he slowly placed down the scissors.
Pushing the doors open.

"Aha! I got you-"

He muttered with a slight pant, only to be left slightly confused, he would have sworn that someone was standing right outside his room.
But he quickly shrugged it off as he pulled back his oak tinted hair, revealing a pair of earrings that dangled gently from his small ears.
Scraping across his shoulders before his head shot up, feeling the chill growing stronger at the silence.


He was accustomed to being all alone, to the mercy of silence.
But this time it didn't feel quite right, the small male moved his body forward to get close enough to be able to close the door.
Reaching up to lock it before hearing a ruffling sound behind him, he swiftly turned around.

No one was there.

He sighed and shook his thoughts off, he was scaring himself for nothing.
Jimin placed his hand on the door with a sigh before leaning his head against the wooden hinge with a deep, deep winded breath as he moved his hand up, gripping down onto his chest as he turned around to once again see nothing.

"Im such a idiot"

He smiled as he took a step forward towards the desk that laid in the middle of the book stacked room, letting out a small humm before remembering.
The door wasn't closed.

He sighed while walking back, sure he might only be scaring himself but its better to be cautious than to regret it later.
He smiled with a small humm as he turned around only to hear the door from another room close.

Jimin blinked feeling his heart skip a beat as he turned around, running towards the door as he felt the suffocating cold sweat form beneath his skin tingle.
He quickly reached for the handle before letting out a muffled scream.

Feeling a big gloved hand pressed against his peachy lips, muffling his scream for help as a stinging sensation suddenly went over his stomach.

" good night "


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