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"Ok so to the point, whats the deal? And how'd you find me?"

Jin rolled his eyes as he reached his hand over with a knife inbetween his fingers, slicing the side of Yoongis ear before taking out a small chip.

"Ouch the fuck was tha-"

"This is how they allways know where you are"
Jin sighed before he crushed the little chip after he chucked it beneath his shoe.
"Turns out Jungkook was a spy all this time, seeing how i was allways in contact with you made the boss think of me as a usefull pawn.
Also that kid is the boesses son, so that makes it worse"

"Oh damn, you sacrificed your sanity for all this-"

"Well you arnt the only one who had a eventfull night, though that kid was as flimbsy as a coca-cola bottle.
Drop a mento in and he explodes like a fucking volcano"

"What was that a metaphore for-"

"I dont even know"
Jin spat as he crossed his arms before laying back across the Bed, his head resting on Yoongis foot as he glanced up at Jimin with a small smile, he sure as hell looks cute, like a little animal.
Jin just cpuldent stop himself from  reaching his hand out and rubbing the side of Jimins cheek.

"I really wanted to meet you, thank you for taking care of Yoongi. But im afraid Yoongi will have to go soon"

"And why is that?"

"You know why."

Yoongi sighed and nodded as he glanced back down at Jimin, his hand holding Jimins under the covers as Jimins small fingers wrapled around his for assurance, he didnt want the other to leave.
Not after they finally realised who they were.

But Yoongi just placed Jimins beside him and got up as he pulled put on a pair trouses while looking over at Jin, he forgot that he was a assasin.
This normal life wouldent suit him, nor would he want Jimin in any harms way.
This wasnt going to be hard, well thats what he would like to think.

"Keep him at your's, thanks for the company Jimin.... but im afraid thats the end of our journey togeather"
Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck as he ordered Jin to take care of Jimin, ignoring the radiance from Jimins big brown orbes as the smaller shook his head.

"W...no I dont want to! Ill be with you! What about the promice"

"Which one? The one we made as kids or the one we made a couple days agoe? Because im breaking them both."

Yoongi sighed as he pulled a jacket over himself before walking towards Jimin and lifting his chin, everything felt so rushed as he stared into Jimins beautifull yet misty eyes for the last time.
But he knew the loner he stared the harder it was to leave, so instead he leant in.
Placing his lips on Jimins before pulling away after a second or two.
Leaving Jimin in tears as he started walking toward the door, Jins eyes set on Yoongi with a expression full of disapproval.

"Dont worry"
Jin said softly as he placed his hand on Jimins shoulder reassuringly.
"He will be back, he just dosent want you there while that happens"

MONSTER. m.yg × p.jmNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ