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Yoongi hummed as he drove the car, the aura around him suddenly changing into a slightly more pleasant one.

Jimin leaned back on the passenger seat, his head instinctively turning to Yoongi.
Watching as his expression changed, it was the same emotionless expression but with a hint of light within it.
Jimin couldent help but stare, he wasnt as scared. So now he was able to take in the others sharp features, the way his fringe skilled past his forehead as the wind blasted at him through the window.
He looked like a fallen angel, so beautifull yet deadly.

"What are you looking at."

Yoongi glanced over at Jimin with his animalistic eyes and the younger instantly turned away, leaning on the car phrame before joilting in pain as he looked down.
Using his fingers to lift up the hem of his shirt only to see a red patch on the bandages, he must have irritated the cut with the sciet belt, but he didnt pay much attention to it though and quickly covered it.
Its not like the elder would do anything to help, like what happened earlier.

Jimin just looked out of the window, watching the white stripes on the road suddenly turn into a white line the faster the car accelerated.
Jimins eyes playing tricks on him as he used his hand as a pillow before closing his eyes.

The weather slowly turning into a apocalyptic warning, the beautifull spring days turning into winter nights.

Jimin didnt even realise when he fell asleep, not being able to see Yoongis dark eyes staring deeply at him.
As if he were a preditor ready to eat its pray, yet holding back as he looked back ahead.
Gripping his steering wheel tightly as he switched on the radio.

Around a hour passed and the car stopped, instead of waking the other up Yoongi just stepped out of the veachle.
Leaving the sleeping male on the sciet as he walked off into one of the buildings, he had a feeling that the other would stay.

But even if he didnt that wouldent have been a problem, Yoongi liked playing chase.
Though the losers dont get to mourn for long after that.

He grinned as he started walking up the stair case, glancing down at the time before pulling his thick black hair back.
"Time starts, now"

As Yoongi left Jimin was asleep, only to be suddenly awakened by a tap on the window.
He glanced up to see a male around his age or older with a gentel smile as he pointed down, Jimin glanced down with the realisation that the other wanted him to open the door.

Jimin raised his brow before turning his head to the steering wheel, nothing.

Yoongi was gone, and he was now alone in the middle of nowhere which made it that much more scary as he hesitantly opened the door.

"What is it?"

Jimin asked politely, only to receive a wide smile as the other placed his hand on the door.

"I was just wondering if you mind if i borrow this baby for a bit sweetheart? I bet your boyfriend wownt mind"

"W...he isnt my boyfriend! And i dont think so... if i let you do that id be in big trouble"

Jimin said under his breath as he rubbed the side of his arm, this felt shady for sure.
Wierdly the first thing in mind wasnt to run away, then again he knew what would happen to him if Yoongi found him after.

"Oh dear, im afraid i cant take a no as a answer"

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