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"You really are something"

The ossilating air left Yoongis chest as his eyes were placed lovingly on the other.
Jimin had found a hidden but abandoned wooden hutt by the river side which was a compleat wreak, the old paint that once formed its image was now fully chipped.

For some reason Jimin couldent help but be memorized by the scent of wood mixed with rain as he tugged Yoongi behind, sure it wasnt a 5 star hotel but it was better than being out in the pouring rain.

Jimins eyes softened as he watch yoongi gripping onto his arm as he stumbled behind Jimin, his mind playing tricks on him as the floor from beneath his feet begun spinning.
Yoongi frowned as he now had to look up at Jimin who's face was full of fear as he knelt down beside the other.

"A..are you ok? I..ill bandage-"

"Jimin just shut up"

Yoongi groaned In pain as he slid down the wall, resting his head on the wooden planks.
It was wierd, suddenly having all sorts of feelings fludding into his heart.
It made him sick, but at the same time there was a spark in his heart that had been dimmed for years.

Yoongi bit diwn on his lip feeling small chips of wood latching onto strands of his hair as he closed his eyes, this didnt look good but he didnt want to tell that to Jimin.
That would be worse than a death sentance.

Yoongi eventually reached his arm forward, gripping onto the hem on Jimins shirt before yanking him down onto him, the slightly smaller male straddling over as their eyes met.
A sudden chill traveling up and down his spine as Yoongis eyes scanned Jimins every feature, his arms wraping around Jimins waist through his soaking wet shiry which stuck onto his every curbe before he felt himself being flipped around so that noe.he was under the elder.

"Hey Jimin... remember the deal we made?"


"Your life is now mine isnt it? Thats aslong as i live correct?"

"Wha...i...i guess so-"

"Then dont you fucking dare anyone else touch you, or kiss you. Not even that buddy of yours"

Yoongi spoke deeply with his tired raspy voice, his head moving down ever so slightly as his breath collided with Jimins cheek.
The only thing separating their lips was their own breath.

"Wait wha-"


Yoongi grinned cheekly as he pushed himself up, pulling his shirt off before observing his arm.
The bullet went straight through, but it must have had some drug in it to make him weak.

Before Yoongi could think anymore Jimin quickly rushed over, pushing Yoongi down onto the bed before ripping the bottom of his shirt.
Using his small fingers to wrap it like a bandage around Yoongis bleeding arm, his face dead serious as he sat on Yoongi in hopes that it would keep him still.

"Attacking a killer like that? You must have a death wish"

Yoongi groaned as he stared upwards at Jimin, allowing his hands to rest at Jimins sides as his fingers hucked onto the hem of the smallers shirt.
A grin formed over his lips as he watched the other with great care.

"Kill me whenever you want"

"Hmm..how about now"

Yoongi smirked as Jimin suddenly looked over at Yoongis shirtless chest, the various sized tattoos that covered one side of his arm.
Tattoos spiriling down his arm and peercing through his heart.
Leaving Jimins face in the deepest colour of whine as he was suddenly taken by surprise, his lips attacked by Yoongis roughly.

Their lips moving in synk as Yoongis hands traveled down, outlining Jimins waist before stopping at his hips.
As soon as their lips broke apart a slight pant escaped as they stared into eachothers eyes.

"Ill kill you slowly"

Yoongi spoke gently, sitting up as he watched Jimins flustered face turning in colour.

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