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The small boy felt goose bumps forming under his skin from the chilly air which collided with the miniture hairs which occupied his milky skin, a frosty sensation that led him to scrunch up into a ball as he desperatly reached for any more layers that could give him warmth.

"Ahh. Bothersome"

Jimins ear twitched as the heard the one voice he wished he wouldent have to hear again, then this all could have been just a dream.
A really really bad dream.
Jimin was lost in thought as suddenly the blanket was torn off of him, only for a thick woolly coat to collide with his face causing him to frown as he sat up slowly.
His eyes cautiously traveling upwards to meet with the other males stare mid way.

"You really have some problem dont you? How many times are you planning on passing out like this?"

Jimin looked away not answering, only to notice a tube which was connected to his wrist.
A expression of confusion attached to Jimins face as his eyes travelled up, only to see a hospital blood bag on the other end.

"W...whats this?"

"Well you lost quite a bit of blood yesturday, so i desided to fix you back up"

Yoongi spoke firmly as he stared down at Jimin with a pair of sharp eyes, reflecting his visious and bloodthirsty actions from earlier.

"But you were the one that made me bleed again..."

Yoongi raised a brow as a hidden grin formed on his face, a half burnt cigaret inbetween his lips as he slipped his long vainy hands out of his pockets before taking a fiew yet mischievous steps towards Jimin.
Every step echoing around the room as his bodylanuage asserted dominance, reaching out his fingertips and testing them on Jimin's cheek.
The smoke traveling up Jimin nostrils causing him to fall into a fit of caughing.

"I told you, your under my wing now so i can do whatever the hell i want. Now then lets go"

Yoongi pulled the coat over Jimin before lifting him up as he started carrying him back up the stair case, only for a black bugatti to be awaiting them outside.

Jimins eyes widened as he looked up at Yoongi whos face was empty, such materialistic things had no meaning to him nor any value.

"How did you get this-"

"You see, this job of mine pays pretty well. But i got bored of it now, which is why i replaced it with you...for now"

Yoongi hummed before sighing as he pushed Jimin into the car, slipping a gun out before shooting in a circular motion.
Soon all the hidden cameras falling like birds as he jumped into the car and started the engine.

"Today you will meet my acquaintance"

"Aquaintance?... do you have a meeting?"

"Not really, that son of a bitch is just riding right behind us."

Yoongi sighed as he tilted the mirror, only to see a image of a fuming Jin in its reflection.
Driving like a mad man as in the passenger sciet Jungkook held onto the other for dear life.

"Um ...s...shouldn't you stop?"

"Im afraid thats not a option, i don't feel like recieving a lecture today"

Yoongi spoke with a groan as he glanced to the side at Jimin who stared back at the car behind them, staring with his big round eyes before looking away as their eyes met.

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