46. Blow Up

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Light ringing jolts my body awake.

I do mean jolt awake as if I had been asleep.

The ringing went off again and this time my eyes slowly opened. I groaned slightly as the room spun above, slowly forming together. Another ring came as I looked up, seeing the chains to Nina's bed. Until I looked around better seeing that I was in Nina's bedroom.

“I told you to leave me alone! That includes calling, Malik! I mean it!” Nina's voice is suddenly hollering as I hear a slam follow.

The sudden distress in Nina's voice alarmed me and I'm sitting up.

But when I sat up, I immediately noticed I had no shirt on and I'm under Nina's blankets. I couldn't feel underwear therefore the first thought that came to my mind was Nina and we spent the night together. So when I peek under not seeing myself wearing underwear that is exactly where my mind went.

“What are you doing?” Nina's voice pops up.

My hand tucks the blanket back down, lifts my head up toward Nina.

Nina's hair was down, wearing a navy blue silk nightgown, wrapping in an united white robe and slippers.

I was so happy to see her standing there.

“Reginald?” Nina's voice snapped my attention back to her, as she's taking off her robe, hanging it in the closet facing me. “Let me guess,” Walking toward the bed, slipping under it. “You think we had sex once we.got back last night.” Tucking herself under the blanket, laying her head down. “Well you can relax because we didn't. While I was in the bathroom showering, I left you on my bed and I guess you undressed yourself and crawled back on my bed. But you passed out some time during that so when I got out, you were well– you can put it together.” Clearing her throat. “Anyway I covered you and went to bed also. But don't worry, I slept on top of the sheet so we could be separated. This is still my bed though and just because you end it with me, doesn't mean it was going to stop me from enjoying my bed. Plus, I stupidly said that you could sleep anywhere, before I got in the shower. And you chose my bed.” She explains, switching to lay on her back.

Damn and she looks good laying there.

The sudden movement of Nina's arm lifting up to adjust the pillow, stopped my staring because  bruises of hand prints were along her skin.

My hand couldn't help carefully grabbing Nina's arm to get a better look at it. “Nina, who the hell touched you like–”

“Let go, Reginald.” Pulling her arms away, tucking the blanket more over her. “You weren't around last–”

“That is not the question I asked Nina!” Stopping here before she can even try to give excuses. “Who–”

“Reginald, let it go!” Demanding next.

I laughed sarcastically. “OK no, we're– we're not doing that bullshit, Nina. You already kept information about West being here yesterday morning. So we are not going to do–”

“It was, Niagel!” Came screaming out in cries.

My whole existence froze.

More titter of sarcastic laughing picked up. “Y--you slept with the bellh-"”

“No! Reginald God no!” Zips from her quickly.

Then fast Nina's hands snapped to my wrist and when she had, I could feel the trembling amounts of fright running within her.

What was going on because this doesn't feel pointed at me like she was scared I'd snap?

Growing tired of this, I'm sitting up against the headboard, crossing my arms. “Nina, I'm sorry about the stuff I said, how I act, treated you, just all of it yesterday. I'm sorry for the things I did with another human, it was stupid but you have to know my fangs never touched her. The kiss we had was sprung and like an idiot, I didn't pull away because I thought it was better than the pain I was feeling, for trying to walk away from you. But I can't Nina, so from this day forth, everything, old secrets, new ones, all of them come out now because damn it, Nina, you're the only woman I want to spend eternity with. Now please, Nina for the love of god tell me.” Begging Nina to talk to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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