45. Out With The Pain, Part 6: Fighting for...

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1 hour ago..

How could all of this get so messed up? Why couldn't West and Oscar just leave well enough alone and move on with their lives? My heart belongs with Reginald, not them. How come they can't see that because now they're going as far to challenge Reginald and I relationship, hoping to steal me away from him because he doesn't deserve me? When in reality Reginald doesn't deserve me after what all I've kept from him. The man had every right to be upset with me for not telling him about West showing up. Just as he does deserve to know the truth of my miscarriage that would have been Oscar's if it had survived. And now I had to confess to the man about having some feelings for them because I did, I just didn't want them how I wanted Reginald. So neither West, nor Oscar, no matter how much they tried, they were never, ever, going to get between Reginald and I. I was going to keep fighting for Reginald and my relationship no matter what because he is the man I know my heart belongs with.

A hard shove popped my shoulder as I walked down the sidewalk in HumaVamp after leaving the bridge. The heavy weight of it kicked me out toward the busy street of cars, because my mind was nowhere  where it should have been paying attention. Yet a snag on my shirt pulled me back in toward them and the sidewalk, just in time before a truck could hit me.

“Whoa, shit that was a close one! You alright miss?” Rumbled very low familiarly that my head lifted fast to the point I thought I had broken it.

Bright blue and shiny tuck neat as always, hair. Sparkling, dazzling, blue eyes that always glow. The red ringtones in his ears matched the one in his nose that flare-up with his nostril when seeing it's me. And tonight, he was wearing a blood red suit with a white undershirt, red vest, black belt and dress shoes.

I couldn't believe it out of all the vampires in that city, Niagel the one who saved me. “Niagel?” Left me in shock.

Niagel let me go, starting. “Nina?” His eyes searched around at where we were since I was nowhere near my apartment or castle at this point in time. “What are you doing roaming around out here? Shouldn't you be at the castle with your boyfriend and family?” Asking a bit colder than I would have liked.

My eyes look around at the people staring at our conversation while walking by.

I settle my eyes back amongst Niagel. “I'm just out getting air. But thanks for saving me, Niagel. I've gotta go, bye.” Quickly bid my goodbye, turning away and speed walking away.

My eyes caught a break between two buildings and I headed toward it, slipping through to avoid running into anyone else, mainly the damn paparazzi and reporters.

Being HumaVamp's very own city princess, you tend to get stocked by them.

I'm coming to an alleyway on the other side of the break within the two buildings. I walk down it, until it's fast steps coming from behind me. My hand was already reaching in for my silver stun wand to take out either a human or a vampire

Then once I felt a hand on my shoulder, I didn't hesitate retracting my wand and stunning the person. “Take that asshole, you won't sneak up on me again damn–” I pause, removing the stun wand quickly.

That was due to accidentally shocking Niagel. Whose body fell backwards and was slightly twitching because  I had shocked the man half to death. Until he completely and totally stopped moving.

I panicked and flinched. “Oh sh– Niagel!” Dropping the wand as I lean down by him, shaking his body. “No, no, no, no, Niagel, wake up! You hear me, wake up please, that would just be wonderful right about now, so please, wake up!” Begging the man to do it because he needs to wake up because Niagel is the last person I'd ever want to kill.

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