41. Out With The Pain, Part 2: Devastated

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4.5 Hours ago...

I'm screaming in pain when trying to get up and off the stiars, out front the castle. But my ass fell right back down on the steps since it hurt to move alone. Tears started to pick up because I was completely frustrated over everything. And I really had no one to blame but myself.

"Oh Nina!" I suddenly hear my mother's voice.

I'm sniffling, wiping my face, picking up my head just in time, seeing my mother wrapped in only my father's jacket. Before it's my father whose face was turned, talking to Reginald who was talking back to my father. My body then ignited when I saw Reginald because he was alright just like my parents and that made me so happy.

Until my attention was stolen from an upcoming Dr. Milton who had blood and holes all over his clothes as if he's been in a horrible fight; yet his sole attention went right to my knee. "Damn," Lifting his head up to me. "Why hasn't anyone popped this in! I told Oscar to have Serena-Jane do it since I had to stay at the race track to help there!" Irritation instantly manifested.

I avoided Dr. Milton's sight that stared at me hard, looking for answers. "Serena-Jane is in the middle of healing right now. She hurt her head pretty bad. Plus I tried leaving the second I found out about the ambush and fire. So it's not like I've really given anyone a chance to." Giving the man a reply.

My mother came up the steps, keeping herself covered. "Well we're all fine so now worry about yourself, Nina! West, fix her, alright, before she doesn't have a damn leg anymore!" Looking at me. "No fighting anymore on this! Let the man do his job Nina! I'm going to get dressed and when I come to check on you, I want to see your knee at least finally popped back in!" Demanding, taking off inside.

As I'm watching my mother head inside, in the process, I see Reginald just walking away with my father all buddied together. I'm trying to move this way so I could go after Reginald and talk to him. But Dr. Milton only ushered me back down and said to stop moving. I of course tried to protest but Dr. Milton really wasn't allowing it.

After about five minutes Dr. Milton growls at me. "Nina you really need to stop moving so I can actually fix your knee properly damn it!" Scolding me.

I cross my arms at the man. " fornthe tenth time, No! You are the last person who should be touching me at all! Medically or not! Reginald should be here with me, not you!"

"Yeah, hate to tell you that he's not coming or that be a hell of load off me right about now!" Hollars from Dr. Milton.

Before all of a sudden Dr. Milton is throwing me off by picking me up.

I'm finding it weird since Dr. Milton's never done anything like that before and I thrash in his grip. "What in the world are you doing! Put me-"

"No!" Singly replying before I could even finish.

Dr. Milton then started walking inside with me in his arms.

I stare at Dr. Milton since he seriously refused to put me down. "Seriously! Milton! Put-"

"No!" The man said again.

I'm glaring. "Milton!" Whining out his name

Dr. Milton finally locks his eyes with me. "Nina!" Mocking me.

Oh this man was seriously pissing me off.

I growl at Dr. Milton. "Why are you doing that! It's annoying!"

"Welcome to my world then right about now, Nina becuase your being a real pain in my ass!" Dr. Milton snapped back with.

I'm shutting up then, huffing.

HumaVamp City: Life Of The Death PartyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora