19. Morning Tension

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I wanted to ball my eyes out. Standing there actually witnessing my uncle not supporting me of my choice to stay human, crushed me. Out of everyone, I at least thought my uncle would be the one to have my back always. Yet I was entirely wrong.

My family, they didn't support me for who I want to be. And that killed me inside because they're my family. I always thought they would be there for me.

“Hey..” Reginald's voice stung me to the surface.

We're riding down in the elevator. Reginald has me tucked close in his bare arm as we head to the lobby to get him his clothes I ordered. I pick my head up to him while he stares down at me with concern.

Damn this connection.

Reginald sighed. “Nina, if your not certain about promising yourself to me then–”

“What...” I weirdly look at him, snickering. “No.” I'm shaking my head. “I– just wish things would have been different with my family. That's all. All I've ever had was them. Now–”

“You only have just me in your life.” Speaking like it was a curse.

I'm waving my head. “No, Reginald. I don't have just you. And even if I did, I'd be happy because I have you for the rest of my life.” Clearing my throat. “What I meant was… I always thought I had my family's support to be human. All I had was them since everyone I know, wants to become a vampire. But I guess It was pretty clear by how my family was always talking and making jokes about me becoming one, should have shown me that they weren't jokes at all. I was always just too much in denial to admit that they could actually want a human family member.” I'm sighing, feeling tears slip, while I nudge against Reginald. “If anything, I’m so glad that I have you for the rest of my life, Reginald.” Sniffled from me.

Reginald arms put me entirely into his chest, hugging my body, while he is placing his head on top of mine. He just holds me, not saying anything, let alone moving. I think that’s due to the warmth blasted all around from our bodies being near each other.

I love this feeling and never want it to end.

The ding came, letting Reginald and I know we were at the lobby floor. We pulled apart from our hug, but Raginald never moved his arm from around me. After that, both of us walked out heading toward the front desk to see Niagel.

Upon reaching the front desk, no one was there.

I thought it was weird since Niagel was always standing there first thing in the morning.

I reached for the bell and rang it. “Niagel?” Calling out for him.

Before I'm feeling my hair slightly flick in seconds by a gust of movement and Niagal arrives.

Niagel's short blue undercut hair was perfectly tucked to perfection. His bright blue eyes scan me for a moment before flashing between Reginald and I. The blue ringtones in his ears matched the one in his nose, that flare-up with his nostril when inhaling Reginald's scent. Today for work, he was wearing a light Aubreen tuxedo with a white undershirt black belt and dress shoes.

Actually, that man always likes to dress to impress whether Niagel is working or not.

The elevator dinging is breaking the three way stare between Niagel, Reginald and I.

The three of us actually saw my uncle finally come out. He stared my way, but that was all as he walked right out the front doors. I'm exhaling in relief since I didn't want to actually have to call the authorities on my own uncle.

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