16. Moment Of A Fool

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I was a fool.

A stupid desperate fool for what I had done.

My desperate need for Reginald, got impatient and I ruined everything.

Why did I have to enjoy Reginald blood like that? I understood by how I just pounced like a wild cougar in heat, the man could believe I was high off his blood. But now I wish I didn't taste it because it only reminded Reginald more about Zina.

I can't really get mad at Reginald. Or upset with him. He loves Zina in a way that I only wish to have. And he'll always love her because she's the first human he fell in love with. Deep down I believe that's because Zina was actually supposed to be his forever mate, and he never got that, because she was taken from him. He never got to show her that she could handle herself as a vampire even if she couldn't as a human. That is why I believe Reginald lost himself that day when Zina was killed and he hasn't recovered since. His true forever mate was murdered before they were actually able to become one.

And all I keep doing is pushing too far.

It's best to back off now and only remember this as a deal like we should have. I can't think that I can change Reginald because I can't. He's already promised and it can't be undone.

Maybe it would be best when this is all over to just accept Dr. Milton's marriage proposal. But after I've proven that he didn't just try murdering me. After all, marrying my killer wouldn't be at all pleasant since it would only happen again.

Crackling water smacked me in the ear from my shower when I lay on the cool tile floor. The uncomfortable feeling is pulling me from my last unsettling thought for a moment as it was hard to feel the flow of my tears, thanks to the water washing them away. I sniffle as my body tingles all over in amazing bliss due to the enormous amount of sweet blood I intook from Reginald.

If this was as close as I was ever going to have to Reginald thanks to his hold with Zina; I was going to savor it. And the worst thing about all of this is now Reginald can actually feel my emotions too. He'll always know what I'm feeling now. That's why I have to keep my distance from Reginald so I can actually focus my feelings where they matter; on the person who tried to murder me.

I'm snapping myself out of the funk I am in.

Someone tried to murder me? But who? That was the problem because it could be a number of people that I've pissed off. I've made a lot of enemies by working with the VCA. Plus, I am the president of VLand and the co-mayor of HumaVamp,  daughter; killing me would end the peace laws since they were originally made to protect me in the first place.

Oh boy, I am going to need help? But who can I trust? Most of everyone I know is a damn vampire. That doesn't give me many options to go off from on who used compulsion to erase my memory.

“Nina?” I'm hearing Reginald's voice.

I'm already rolling my eyes as I still lay in the shower.

What does he want?

I never move from the floor, only shift an arm under my head. “Reginald, will you please, go away?” Asking the man the first time politely.

I saw Reginald clean off now from all the blood, wrapped in a new towel. When he came into my bathroom the man sat down on the floor, placing his back against the glass, not looking inside. Until his head was next to relax back, telling me he planned on just staying.

I softly exhale. “Reginald, leave, p–”

“No.” Reginald replied fast and steady, not moving an inch from his spot. “You can hate me. Say you do not want to see me. Scream at me. Tell me to leave. But I will not. I refuse because I am so sorry and do not want to walk away from you Nina. So I am only going sit here quietly after I have said my peace, before you hate me, say you do not want to see me, scream at me, and tell me to leave if that is what will make you feel better. Yet I promise you now, I still will be here because,” He trails for a moment as if trying to word himself correctly. “I understand, you think, you believe that, I think I should be spending my life of eternity with Zina, because she's the only other human I've seen any kind of future with.” A scoff left him. “If we were having this conversation two days ago, I probably would have agreed with you. Except because of you, I know otherwise that she most definitely is not, as much as I loved her, Nina. Because unlike you on my blood, Zina..” The man went silent drifting for a moment and it alarmed me.

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