37. Backfires

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Honestly, through my entire life of six hundred and twenty six years, I've never quite felt jealousy, much less intimidation, at the magnitude I had when finally meeting Yoko's prodigy Dr. West Milton. Through the letters over the years that I had acquired, I simply thought he was just a very intelligent, sophisticated, well-minded man and more so as a vampire. Upon meeting West, I had beyond belief wished that I was seriously wrong about the kind of man he is; perfect.

“Ah!” Nina screeched in whimpers, clinging onto me tight with tears as West examined her knee.

All of us had moved upstairs where the gathering was held in VIP. Nina, West and I, went into a private room to take care of Nina since I wasn't leaving my mates side. We sat on the couch with West on the floor as music blasted outside. Which I didn't think I would say I'm glad for, but I was, due to Nina's gasps in her pain to try and not scream.

I would catch West's eyes on Nina every time she would be in pain and each time I did, I've never seen a doctor until that day truly seemed like he hated his job for what he was doing. He hated hurting Nina even if the man was simply trying to help make her feel better. Worst West; I hated to admit, from what I sensed, weakens whenever he is in the presence of Nina from the amount of affection he shares for her.

West is in love with Nina on a level it physically oozes out of him like a trace of bread crumbs. It made me furious because Nina truly has no idea how much and if she did, I feared, I'd lose her forever. I feared Nina would come to her senses about how much of a better man for her West really is compared to me.

“Well...” Slips to the surface from West, finally taking his damn hands off from skimming along Nina's thigh.

That's the best action West Milton will ever get from Nina. The man better have enjoyed it while it lasted since it will never happen again. I didn't know him one bit, but I knew enough that he wanted Nina's life as his own and that made him number one on my suspect list for going after her. Therefore that man was never going to be alone with Nina, on my watch, ever.

Sniffling, Nina exhaled, wiping her tears. “Oh, just tell me straight how bad it is.” Telling him to do it.

West picked his arm up to lean it on his knee, smiling at her. “You're gonna be fine, Nina. Luckily it is only a patellar dislocation. We'll pop it back in and in six to eight weeks you'd be healed. Unfortunately you would have to wear a cast for the next two weeks and take it easy.” The man calmly explained, looking at me. “I'm sure you know Nina is not going to be the one to make that easy.”

“Hey…” Nina whined, crossing her arms, trying to stupidly get up, again for about the tenth time.

I stopped Nina, tucking her back in my arms. “Will you please quit moving Gem, before you make your knee worse?” Demanding her to please listen.

Nina rolled her eyes at me, huffing back into my chest.

West only snickers at it. “My point taken.” Laughing light. “Nina is not going to stay still. Which is why I'm–” Pausing, clearing his throat free as if the words he was going to say were like acid to him. “As a doctor I'm allowed to give substance rights to a vampire in medical situations if a human is promised to them.” Looking at me. “Meaning you'll be allowed to give Nina your blood in any medical situation to heal her without the assistance of a medical physician.” Pointing at our situation, standing up. “Today I'll play stupid but tomorrow, you need to come in and sign the paperwork so you may get your legal substance cards.” Moving his gaze to Nina. “You'll be good as new in a moment, alright.” Ending his sight on me. “You have no idea how much of a lucky man you are. Please take care of Nina because she is nothing less than priceless.” Lastly speaking, tensing his body as if he was fighting to stay, but walking out the room anyway.

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