1. Roads Collide

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The year was 1410 when the start of my life changed. In the early fall I had lost my mother due to an incurable sickness I later found out was cancer. I was only thirteen when my mother's death occurred and I wasn't easy to cope with. Although, my mother's death didn't only hurt me since it destroyed my father. Much so, father no longer acknowledged that I had existed, drowning himself within work, killing himself with alcohol day and night. That's until three weeks after my mother's funeral, father shipped me off to an Elite IVY League boarding school for boys in London. For the next thirteen years, I studied my value in hopes that my father would shape up like I had and finally see the worthy man I became, to take over our family's business 'Bucanton Traders Inc.'

In 1423, for my twenty-sixth birthday, I expected to finally get my chance to prove I was ready to take over for my father. Instead, I found my value was only worth in an arranged marriage with the partnering company my father decided to co-sign with. A week later, I was not only married to my wife Pheona Garter, but was bound to her for eternity by spending my last night as a human. And because of my transformation; my father spent his last night on earth.

As someone who just lost their father and became a newborn vampire, you'd think I'd be frightened by the new aspect of my life. Except it was the complete opposite for me. Being a vampire was exactly how I was supposed to be, since I felt more alive when I was dead than actually breathing. My life had suddenly felt unstoppable from being incredibly strong, fast and deadly. The thirst for blood was the ultimate exotic holy grail of extreme thrill. Nothing felt as if it could stop me as I finally took over my father's business.

Until I came to the harsh reality that sunlight would burn my skin to ash. Wooden stakes to the heart would mean instantly death before puffing into a smoke of ash. And beheading by silver would be the most disgusting sight as all that would be left behind was the gruesome puddle of flesh and bone.

So I did my best to stay away from the human radar.

My wife Pheona, though, made that difficult for me to do for some time, since humans to her were nothing but blood bags to bathe nightly in. For about two hundred and ninety-eight years, I hate to say I was there with her, sucking men and women dry like they were nothing but a lifeless gourmet dinner. But then 1721 came and that year changed the aspect of my life forever.

Pheona and I made our way back to London for a vampire gathering. For months we cruised around the city of love screwing any and everyone, watching it happen, or eating our way through it. That time in my life I had no filter and had no care in the world.

Until the night Pheona decided to take things too far even for me.

A little girl, maybe three years old, had gotten separated from her parents. Pheona and I found her thanks to the fresh blood seeping from the server gashes she received on her knees from falling. The girl's parents were nowhere around, let alone even looking for her since no one was calling out for such a little child. So, I thought she was completely alone and that we should take the girl ourselves and raise her. After all, she was alone and was going to die anyway is she didn't have someone looking out for her.

Pheona had other plans in mind.

I tried to fight my wife off but she was three times older than I was. Which meant she was by far stronger. Pheona nearly staked my heart as she did penetrate every last joint in my body with metal rods, when pinning me into the wall of a building, forcing me to watch what she did to that poor child.

Needless to say, I despised my wife after that night.

Especially when the next morning we saw that girl's parents.

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