8. Convincing

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Hearing Nina scream in dier fright for her life scared me unlike I thought I'd ever experienced. Could have been because the last time I heard a scream like that, the last woman I loved was being taken from me. And after I felt that wonderful, hot zapping sensation from Nina's hand and mine touching, there was no one going to take the feeling from me. Not again.

The second I saw a shoulder length brown hair man with red highlights coming to the bottom, dressed in all black touching Nina Inappropriately by the back of her hair, I lost it. Especially since he smelt exactly like a damn newborn vampire. No vampire, especially a newborn, is going to touch this woman but me. She is now mine to protect and I'm never letting anything bad happen to Nina like it did to Zina.

That's why I threw that wimp of baby vampire clear across Nina lawn like a sack of potatoes. I was happy to see how much of a dumb fuck he is when landing his footing wrong snapping his own leg. Honestly, my ego found it a bit amusing. But that all went aside once my eyes caught Nina staring at me with gratitude and joyfulness of seeing me there.

I couldn't help but want Nina in my arms just to keep her near me. Especially when I relished hearing Nina say ‘I will because I have you.’ in response to my asking if she was alright. Yet that when things had to get ruined and stop me from holding the woman I desire in my arms, since another vampire appeared; Nina uncle I remember hearing out on the road side.

Although, Nina made sure to never leave my arms as she spun around at the sound of her uncle screaming out her name.

I couldn't help but just keep my eyes on the other vampire in a red long sleeve collared shirt he had popped up and black dress pants with match shoes. His dark mud brown hair is fluffed as the piercing bright red eyes staring right at me, glow through the night. Then one of his smooth pale caramel skin hand lifts rubbing the full beard on his face as if really frustrated at the moment.

Nina's uncle takes a step, putting his hand down by his hip. “Nina!” Screaming at her. “Come to me, now!” Demanding firm.

Nina blared. “NO!”

“Nina! Now!”

“No!” Hollering right toward her uncle. “I'm staying right here with him!” Refusing to leave my arms.

Nina's uncle seemed as if he was going to lose his head. “Wh– Nina! What in the blaze is the meaning of this!” Taking a step. “Do you understand that man is a vampire!” Growling out his anger. “And a non-registered one at that! The hell were you thinking of harboring him!” Losing his temper on her.

Except when he does, Nina latches on to me tighter, growling just as harsh as he was. “I don't care what he is! I did this to protect him from you! The VCA! Along with Mama and Papa! You'll just Torture him for answer because he managed to slip free in HLand for  years on end without anyone noticing! And I refuse to allow that because I– I want to be his uncle!” Blaring out her anger toward him. “Do you hear me!” She had tears rolling, keeping her grip tight on me. “I found a vampire I want to give myself too! Because of that– because it's me! I'm asking you to please not take him from me! This is what you all wanted, REMEMBER!” Scolding out her rage. “For me to be with a vampire that will possibly bring me into the thought of being a vampire! Well I've finally found that vampire! So please uncle, don't take him from me, please! Please!” Begging from her uncle.

“Enough, Nina!” The man scolded back, inhaling and rubbing his forehead. “Weather you like it or not, I have to bring him–”

“Then you're signing my death sentence!” Just hollering and now I didn't even like that response as neither did her uncle, since he shut up. “You told me I'd know when I've met the right man I will finally be happy. If you take him from me, then at the crack of dawn, when none of you will be able to reach me, I'll slit my throat because you're taking my happiness from me! Which let me remind you uncle, by dawn the vampire blood will be out of my system and I'll choke to death on my own! Understand! So I will be dead, for good!” Holding so much promise in her words that I really didn't like it.

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