2. Intrigued

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Two Days Ago.


Cold flows of tears drip from my golden brown eyes that nearly appear yellow, down against the ivory white skin of my body and onto the leather old faded out dark leather brown journal, I read in my hands that I had found.

Oh how tragic? For anyone to endure such cruelty to lose their love in that manner. It's so unfair.

I sniffle, whipping my tears from what I read in that journal.

"Nina, darling!" My mother's soft voice comes up from behind, causing me to flinch.

I quickly tucked the journal inside the pocket of my black jacket that hugged my curvy body, in a long sleeve white blouse and blue jeans, with tan ankle boots.

"Nina, darling, there you are." My mother's fingers caress from behind me, through my bright red as the hot flames of fire hair. "You need to be careful around here, darling, you could get hurt. The foundation most likely is highly unstable. So tread lightly, darling until we get the land fixed." Her words tunnel in my ears.

I stand up carefully, so I don't trip on any ruble to some of the buildings in the rundown villages that used to be in place there. "Don't worry, Mama, I am fine." Clarifying for my mother, keep my back to her.

My mother's side company 'Jezelle's Global Industries'  that she has when the woman isn't a co-mayor to the most popular city, HumaVamp; just bought an abandoned massive amount of land to refurbish and set up a new mall for the nearby human town I moved to, ten miles up the road in HLand-Hemisphere. I was only out there on site since my mother and I were spending the day together, after I had moved away from home three weeks ago. But then mother got the call that her permit was clear. After that mother wanted to come out and speak with the contractor about the layout to ensure it was safe.

In the meantime of my mother doing business, I couldn't help but walk around and gawk at such a beautiful landscape even with all the rubble around. Until my foot got caught, before the bottom busted, sending me to the ground, luckily unhurt. Then when I got my leg loose is how I ended up finding an opening with the very old journal inside. My curiosity couldn't help but snag it up and read a bit of it since I originally thought it was just a book.

"Nina.." My mother called for me.

I finally looked up seeing my mother had rounded from behind me. Her huge black stylish derby hat with red roses, shaded mother's pale skin and yellow eyes well from the sun, sitting upon the strains of mothers long blood red hair. My mother placed her white gloved hands among her hips, tapping both index fingers against the white long sleeve slim dress she wore, while tapping her left white and black flat knee high boots.

Oh crap I spaced again.

I blink a few times, shaking my head. "Sorry, Mama, I didn't mean to drift." Apologizing to my mother.

My mother lifted her hand, caressing my cheek. "This is happening more often, Nina. Especially over the last few weeks. I really think this move was to sudden because It worries me that you only done it because of the break-"

"Mama!" Exclaiming out toward mother, scoffing and crossing my arms. "I'm over Hamando. It's been six months already. He made his choice when that man chose a filthy dead corpse over me." My broken heart tried ending the conversation and  leave.

Except, my mother's strong grip snatched at the rim of my wrist, making me look at her. "Nina!" Harshing up my name. "Did your father and I raise you to be so spiteful? Do you not remember that we–

"No, Mama, I haven't forgotten." I'm sighing, shaking my head. "I didn't mean– I'm– I am so sorry, Mama. But you and Papa are not like the rest of."

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