21. Being Bold

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It was bold, courageous and unexpected, but damn it my body couldn't resist the urge to kiss Nina.  Could be because, even through her impatience, she is trying to be for me. Nina was trying to do everything that she possibly can to not allow herself to be boldly with me anymore; I didn't like it because I knew it was due to me comparing her to Zina. Ever since then she has closed me off. Therefore when she snuggled up to me in full bliss saying ‘Mm I can most definitely get used to this’ like I have. That was a wrap.

Nina really is the light I've been longing to have in my life and I'd go anywhere with her.

That includes taking the chance to walk through the sun with her.

I finally moved my body back from our lips touching. Nina stood there staring at me, red all over. All I could do was smile because damn is she adorable.

Then bam just like I hoped her boldness came back.

Nina snagged my tie, yanking me back down to smack a kiss against my lips. Her fingers caress my face before tangling within my hair. My hands couldn’t help but to wander as our bodies fought to get closer.

All I wanted was that body completely to be mine.

Unfortunately for me though, I couldn't get that yet.

Nina pulled herself back, gasping, gaining control of herself. “Mm, Reginald I– I’m so s–”

“Don’t you dare apologize to me, Nina, do you hear me. You are just fine.” I wouldn’t allow her to since there was no need for it. “I enjoyed that very much, trust me.” Running my finger along her jawline, smiling.

Nina’s eyes sparkled; stealing more of my very existence.

That’s before Nina crept forward, running her hand up my chest, popping up on her tiptoes and coming near to whisper within my ear. “Trust me, Reginald,” Softly snickering; making my body vibrate all over in pleasure by her warm voice echoing in my ear. “I– am very much aware. That’s why I was apologizing.”  Clearing her throat slightly as she pulled away, flickering her eyes down for only a split moment.

My eyes follow down.

I saw exactly why Nina was apologizing now. It had nothing to do with actually being sorry for boldly kissing me. It was for the pick up that bulged thick in my pants.

Nina came near me as if blocking the view from everyone that could possibly be looking. “Reginald Bucanton, put him away.” Speaking hushed, giggling.

I snickered. “Oh, yeah, like I can just do it on command. I'm a vampire that hasn't had sex in a hundred and nine years. And you…” Huffing, shaking my head at her, staring at the gorgeous body. “Damn…” My hands caressed around her waist. “All you have to do is just stand right there Gem and–”

“I get it, Reginald.” Nina giggles running her hands along my chest. “You're very horny.”

“Very…” I slip free. “Is an understatement, my Gem. Especially in the presence of you.” Smiling wide at her.

Nina chuckled, shaking her head. “You're unbelievable.” Clipping my chin with her finger. “In due time, we will. But first,” Exhaling, placing her hand among her waistline. “I don't believe my father would enjoy meeting you with an erection in your pants. He will cut it off.” Suddenly zipped out of her lip.

I don't think I've ever had a boner deflate so fast. But damn it, it did. Along with my happiness since I wasn't ready to meet Nina's father. From what I gather so far he just seems like a royal jackass.

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