38. Out With The Truth, Part 1: You Did...

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Screaming and crying broke through my eardrums. Humans everywhere were badly hurt with deep gashes, bones sticking out, and broken limbs. As if that wasn't bad enough, blood poisoned the air that it even stung the back of my throat. And every last vampire in that city, I was surprised by how well they all fought against the urge of blood.

Still, I had no idea how bad this was going to backfire on us. It was supposed to be a simple plan to get Nina out of the apartment and into the castle without me. Oscar was supposed to be the ringer to start Nina and I into a fight by drawing attention to simply gather the culprits' own sight. We wanted to draw them in by believing Nina would be upset and alone. Tempting them to try and approach Nina; which would have been their mistake. Because in the background, I would have been hiding out, lurking around the property since I can't be detected.

Yet everything went completely opposite.

"Ah, Yoko!" Gasps desperately from Jezelle.

"Love, you have to stay still!" Hearing Yoko holler next.

I was stealing my eyes away from the glass dome building that had demolished and toward a chard, freaked out, Jezelle. Yoko was trying to calm her down the nest he could as I could see her body slowly start to heal. Yet she was moving enough she was actually riding the skin back open as she was healing. My body rushed over then to help Yoko restrict Jezelle down this way she could actually fully heal up

Jezelle cried through the whole process. "AH! I'm gonna murder the son of a bitch who did this!" Wailing out as her skin color and hair was starting to come back.

Once Jezelle was healed, I quickly shifted my backside toward Yoko and Jezelle since her body was completely bare from all the clothing burning off of her skin.

I did not want to be the sucker to stare at Jezelle. She is a beautiful woman but Jezelle has always belonged with Yoko ever since the day they first met simply how they looked at one another with the utmost desire of loving warmth for each other. I never understood that until Nina and it is crazy to think that just like with me, Pheona wanted Yoko for herself after she turned him. But after Pheona caught them both in bed together; as per her words 'She'd never degrade her body by engaging as sloppy second to her pet.' They were gonna die for simply wanting to love each other and I could allow it. I was the only reason those two got to stay alive because I had stepped in and reminded Pheona exactly why I was her husband In more ways than one then I actually liked. Since then; even though I hate it that I didn't see how much Yoko ignored Jezelle back then; no man has ever gotten close to her because if they had and Jezelle told Yoko about it; living would have been worse than death and he'd make sure you knew it.

"Jezelle," Hearing from Yoko and I peek back, seeing his jacket wrapped around Jezelle. "Head home, Love, and properly dress yourself." Caressing her cheek.

"But Nina do you think she okay and everyone-"

"Go decent yourself and then we will go to our little girl. She is going to be fine-"

"But that note, Yoko, it said-"

"I know what it said, love. But I have to trust that West, Oscar and Serena-Jane, got her away." Leaning his forehead down to hers. "Have faith, love, alright, our members are strong and so is our daughter. Just stay calm, please." Begging for Jezelle to listen, pecking her cheek afterwards.

I could tell Jezelle was conflicted to go. Yet there was no use for her standing around naked in a jacket. Therefore in a split of a second she listened to Yoko and was gone.

For a moment, Yoko sighed, rubbing his forehead trying to stay calm and in control himself.

Except I could see in his face how worried he was about when the shoe would drop next.

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