3. Trust: One Step Closer

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"R-Reginald..." Weakly gasped from the woman in my grip as her stunning eyes rolled behind her eyelids..

The woman's body went limp from passing out due to my stronghold I had around her neck, cutting off the airway. When I understood that I had my hand still forcefully around this woman's throat, a part of me panicked and I lit up my grip, laying her carefully against the ground. I lean my head toward her chest, sighing in Relief when I still hear this woman's heart beating.

Still alive, good.

Exhaling, I pick myself back up to my feet, looking down at the woman now on the ground. Then I groaned since as much as I wanted to just leave the woman there in the middle of the road, I found that I couldn't because she could be hit. Plus it was snowing so she'd freeze to death. My sight came to the vehicle she ran me over with and I thought about just placing her in the car and leaving. Yet with how cold it was, she would die from hypothermia so I found myself unable to do that too. No matter what I thought of, I always found some reason not to do it.

Why did I care so much that this woman lived?

Being conflicted on what to do, I found myself just staring at this woman's alluring long beautiful bright red hair, dark eyelashes, plush pink cheek, rose lips and smooth ivory skin. The way she rested there was as if she had all the peace in the world. And I found it and her to be without a doubt bewitching.

Fuck, how was it that I knew nothing of this woman but yet as I stood there, all I wanted to do was protect her like she was mine to do so.

A soft moan developed; stealing my attention as my body vibrated all over at the sound of that woman making it.

Oh fuck me, this can't be happening. Not again. I can't be attracted to another human woman.

Another moan slipped free from the woman as her head slightly shifted, appearing as if she was waking up.

Wait, Is she waking up? That can't be possible. Humans never wake up this fast when strangled by a vampire.

Sure enough though the woman was indeed waking up because all of a sudden she is sitting up, gasping while opening her eyes. For a moment she sat there hunched over, inhaling deeply, coughing, just trying to find her breath. Until her hand ran along the bare part of her skin, then moving to chest, holding it there for a moment.

I don't know what that woman was doing but after her hand touched her chest, she sighed in relief. "Oh, thank god, I still have a heartbeat." Commenting to herself.

Did this woman think I had turned her into a vampire? Because that's not a chance in hell that I'd do. Zina truly was the only person I ever thought about changing.

"You!" Inhaled sharp, snapping me back toward the woman as she was staring up at me. "You-" Pausing, getting pretty fast up on her feet, staring me over as if she was trying to make sure I was real. "You-" Was all she kept saying, before it seemed reality hit her and she glared, surprising the hell out of me when she's smacking my chest, unfazed by the hardness of it. "You could have killed me, you idiot! I have vampire blood in my system!" Screaming at the top of her lungs at me.

Though when I heard she had vampire blood in her system, a fire enraged me because that meant this human was already promised to a vampire.

And I didn't like it one damn bit.

I don't know what came over me, but very quickly, my fingers found themselves latched in this woman's hair, as I'm growling with my fangs out. "You're promised to another vampire!" Snarling out toward this woman.

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