39. Out With The Truth, Part 2: How Could You?

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Well, I hate to admit I held a secret. The only reason I had held it is because this was something I never wanted to come out to the surface. Because I knew that if it ever did then Nina most likely would never forgive me just as everyone else.

But because I withheld it I'm dead.

I know I am dead. Yoko and Jezelle, most of all, are the ones I care the most about because I know they will never forgive me now. Especially since they know most of all what my secret is.

"What! Deal!" Rumbled low from Yoko.

I snap back into reality and watch Yoko's hands release, West, as both are staring at me hard.

Yoko fists cracked as his patience was wearing thin. "Reginald! What did you do!" He roared next as I knew he was about to lecture me about my secret. "How could you make a deal with my daughter! They always come at a price with you! That's how Pheona cursed you damn it for leaving her!" The man's eyes went wide as he shook and told me what I only knew, not anyone else, especially Nina. "This is the curse collecting its debt. I know it! S-she's gone because of you!" Becoming weak in the legs to the point he couldn't stand and had to sit down all the way. "My baby's gone!" Tears developed in his eyes as they first formed, looking at me. "Tell me! Tell me right now what was so damn important for you to make a deal with my daughter, knowingly, something always happens to the beholder!" Blaring at me, fighting the rage of wanting to release and attack me.

I stood there in silence since I never meant for Nina to be affected by the curse Pheona put on me because I always fought to leave her. If I struck a deal with anyone, their lives would be the cost for mine if they went through with it. I don't know what would happen to them, because they'd just vanish into thin air. But Pheona made it where my life as a trader ended and I couldn't bargain anymore. So I had no choice but to learn how to rely on straightforward answers and never take no as one; at least within reason. Yet usually it has to be a signed contract in order for the curse to take place on the beholder. Nina and I never signed anything; it was only a verbal agreement. So I thought everything would be fine.

"REGINALD!" Yoko cursed my name as suddenly I felt his grip around the collar of my shirt. "DAMN IT! ANSWER ME! WHY WOULD YOU AT ALL ENTER-"

"If I had known it was about you this whole time, I wouldn't have." Calmly saying as my own tears started to pick up since Yoko wasn't the only one who lost Nina.

Yoko froze for a moment letting me go and my legs gave out.

I sat on my knees, head down, tears silently falling. "Nina just wanted her father to accept her lifestyle and where her heart would lie. So Nina asked me if I would be her boyfriend for the entire upcoming two weeks of Emanuel's wedding. This way, I could help Nina get you to back off her heart, trust her choices and accept her for the woman she is." My tears pick up more. "All I'd get in return is Nina's help into VLand to be free to move on from the past and I accepted it without a thought in regards to her life. But-" I'm pausing, hating myself. "That all changed the second I realized how much I wanted Nina. So I wanted to convince Nina to be a vampire and come with me because we belong with each other. Yes, that is still a selfish motive because I never wanted to lose her either, I know that." Shifting my head up Yoko. "Our whole relationship was the deal but it was indeed real. I need her Yoko, that isn't a lie. We do need each other and wanted to experience everything the both of us could offer to one another within the next two weeks." Shaking my head, breaking down crying. "If I had known she was your daughter beforehand, I would have NEVER- Christ Yoko, you have to believe me- I NEVER WOULD HAVE ENTERED A DEAL WITH HER! I AM SO SORRY THAT I DIDN'T TELL YOU YOKO BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD AFFECT HER! I DIDN'T KNOW!" Begging for him to believe me because it was the God honest truth.

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