33. Having Eachother's Back, Part 1: Dress Up

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I had to keep myself under control.

Ever since I ingested Nina’s blood, my nerves have rattled, my bones quiver and my blood is volcanic. When I am near Nina all I can think about is marking her, holding that woman tight against me and never untangling from her goddess of a body. Which is the perfect distraction from the pain of me sinking all of my teeth into her skin with my fangs, allowing my saliva to slowly heal the wound down to a scar, until letting it heal the rest of the way on its own, marking her as mine, forever. It is a very rough, intimate and sensual act to take place between a vampire and their human. And damn it did I want to mark that woman unlike I have with anyone.

Exhaling hard, I'm standing in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at myself in it.

I reach up to fix my black and gold striped tie under the matching vest. After I'm rubbing out my gold long sleeve undershirt, before slipping on the black over jacket with gold buttons. When I slipped my jacket I brushed out the whole suite, including the black dress pants and shiny dress shoes with gold bottoms and laces.

“Can you hurry up!” I can hear from Oscar in the distance.

I find myself snickering, walking out  the bathroom, through the bedroom and all the way out to the living room.

Oscar stood there, annoyed with his arms crossed. “You're so damn slow for a vampire.” Insulting me.

I found it only comical. “It's not me, we're still waiting on.” Walking over to the liquor tray Nina has set over on the far wall, pouring me one. “But do feel free to go along. I've said you could numerous times. I know how to use a phone now and can call a vehicle because Neil showed me.” Explaining to the baby vamp.

“I'm sorry who?” Left Oscar Oblivious.

“Right…” Exhaling, turning around, looking at Oscar. “He goes by Malik now. Sorry when you've known someone for nearly four hundred years it is hard to call them by new names.” I laugh a bit. “It is one of the reasons why it took him and I a long time to reconnect since he only knew me as Berserker and I knew him as Neil.”

“Do I look like I care at all?” Oscar's whining was getting on my nerves.

I blew it off though because Oscar wasn't worth losing my temper over. “I was only making conversation since your instant to stay here, instead of leaving, even though I already said, again, you can go.”

“And leave Nina alone with you!” Puffs irritated. “Not a chance. You've already nearly killed her today, twice. You're the last person Nina needs to be alone with. Hell, even be with.” Scolding low at me.

I'm kicking back the strong taste of whiskey to not lose it on him. “Mm, I see. Well, it is not my fault Nina wants me as a mate just as much as I want her. Nina is forgiving me since I made a terrible error in judgment for–”

“Judgment.” Oscar stopped me. “Is that what we're gonna call it?” That baby vamp had the nerve to step toward me like he was going to do something. “It's called, murder! You tried to murder Nina! Purely out of anger. Do you get if you were not a vampire, much less, hooked to Nina's hip and my parents, there wouldn't have been no fixing her yourself, old timer. If my mother wasn't my maker and told me to behave, I wouldn't be. You would’ve had to watch Nina drink my blood, as you got dragged away. Just like that pathetic crazy ass whore, you used to fuck, as both of you rot in cells for the rest of your miserable lives! All you are is a lucky son of a bitch that deserves to rot for the rest of his life! And someday, I’m going to put you there, asshole and I'llnever test until I do!” Trying to intimidate me.

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