30. Blind Situation

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No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

There was no way! No way in hell that Zina is alive.

Therefore who the hell was this woman who threw me back into Jezelle, Yoko and Oscar, leaving all of us to sit on our asses? Who was this woman that looks like Zina because that wasn't her? It couldn't be.

I fumbled to my feet, staring at the woman over, shaking my head. "No. Th-this isn't possible. You're-" I'm pointing at her. "You're not Zina!" Blaring at her.

Laughing formed from that woman. "Mm, sorry loverboy, but your worst nightmare has finally arrived." Giggled out of her like a sick twist monster. "It's me, alright! And now," Pausing as I'm watching seven inch claws develop from her finger. "I'm gonna kill every last one of your kind for stealing what's mine! I lost twenty-five years because of that bitch!" Snarling like a monster, pointing a single claw at Jezelle.

I quickly look at Jezelle. "Jezelle what the hell is she-"

"The fuck if I know, Reg!" Pointing toward Zina. "I thought Zina was fucking dead!" Screaming out.

"YOU!" Growls ferociously making us all look at Zina. "What you did is YOU Took my BABY, bitch! Now, she's gone! Just when I got her back! I'm gonna make you suffer most of all!" Thrashing out as her hand raised like she was going to attack us.

"NO, PLEASE!" Screeches to the surface from the sound of Nina.

Instantly my eyes move to Nina in the entryway. Her hair was down and wet still from getting out of the shower. She was wrapped in a white cotton robe as if she was in too much of a hurry to grab anything else.

Our eyes met and Nina's tears picked up.

Nina walks in the room, staring at me, before turning to face Zina. "Don't- don't hurt them please, I'm the one you want." Cries from her.

Yet all I was trying to do is process how the hell Nina is Zina's daughter?

But the second Zina saw Nina, her face dropped as claws retracted. "Oh bless it be your alive!" Whimpers from her stealing Nina in her grip. "My baby! Thank you god, your father and I will be so thrilled to have you home. Our marriage hasnt been the same simce we lost you to those vampire!" Riddles even more from her lips.

Zina's married... what the...?

Jezelle went to charge forward yet Yoko snagged her. "Let me go, that bitch has our daughter, Yoko! No! Nina! Darling! Please listen to me! I am your mother! I'm-"

"Silence!" Zina commanded as her head lifted to Jezelle. "She is not your kin! You stole her from me! Right from her crib after you tried to burn my husband and I in our apartment after we asked our neighbors across the hall to watch our daughter, while we went to my husband's annual ball foundation! But we came home to a bloody sight and you to stealing our baby!" Growled out.

"Bullshit!" Jezelle screeched. "Nina is our-"

"She is not!" Zina thrashes. "Pheona promised me damn it!" Zina held her grip tight on Nina. "She promised me a life where I can be immortal but still alive. One where I can have a family if I faked my death and abandoned Reginald." Honestly, it stung hard to hear.

I'm growling at Zina. "Wait, you made a deal with my wife to abandon me! How could you Zina! I loved you!"

"And I wanted a family, Reginald but you never wanted to listen!" Zina yelled at me. "We could have adopted but no. There was always some excuse that you came up with to not. And for nearly thirty years, I've suffered with that burden while with you! It is no wonder that I started to resent you. There was no love in me left to give to you anymore. So when I went out of town during one of my deliveries, I stopped by Pheona and asked for her help to get out. Pheona said she'd help since the fact you drove me away was enough pleasure for her because she would get to watching it all crumble for you. Thwrefore that night, I anonymously linked the village to your true identity and when they came to capture you; you were too busy burning alive, while everyone else was far too busy seeing the truth that; Pheona was the one who dragged me out of there. When in the woods, Pheona had another woman waiting to take my place and we swapped places. After we mangled her up a bit to make it hard for everyone to notice. Then the furious monstrous mob that wanted us dead did the rest for us and I never looked back." Explaining to me how she left me. "Ah, Then I met the most amazing man alive to finally call my husband. At one time, I thought that man was you. But I can't tell you how happy you're not because then I would have never gotten pregnant with my daughter!"

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