67. FIRE

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In the lock up....

My head was spining due to the drugs they forcefully injected in my body; it made me feel weak and my heart rate increases. This lock up kept getting more and more suffocating. Suddenly a loud gasp left my lips, when they threw hot water over my injured face making all the brushes burn.

I groaned, shaking my head violently in pain as all the scratches on my face burned badly. With my blurred vision, I tried to look at the man who stood in front of me with a disgusted expression; looking over at me as if I was some kind of dirtbag for them. I coughed, that mere action made my abused body hurt even more.

"When will you agree to make the confession video? It's almost been a year? Have you started to enjoy this torture or what?"

Robert shouted before throwing the empty bucket, smashing it on the wall with a loud thud. I clenched my eyes shut as the loud noise only hurted my already aching head even more.
Wiping my bleeding lips by the back of my chained up palms, I answered him.

"You can't break me Robert, not untill I am alive. Too bad you need me to be alive to fulfill your demands."

He scoffed, clearly not buying my words. Bending down he held my jaw tightly before speaking; a malice smirk plastered on his face.

"I know how to break arrogant insects like you."

Before he could do anything, his phone rang making him stand back. His face straightened upon seeing the caller ID. I frowned yet a weird sense of peace took over me after seeing the colour of his face draining as he listened to the other person on the call. He looked horrified.

After cutting the call, he quickly went out of the jail locking the door on his way out. Shaking my head, I tried to wake myself up and moved my body closer to the door to listen to them talk. Everyone looked in a state of panic. Seeing Mr. Ken's men running here and there in haste made me even more confusing.

Something was definitely not right...

Eric shouted with all his power, as every other guard stood in front of him in queues.

"I need every single one of you to come with me. Our rivals have attacked our drug factory base. Only Max and Eric will stay here to keep an eye on him."

Robert glared at me as he ends his little speech. All the guards shouted together in unison, showing their courage to fight the enemies. I tried my best to keep an eye on every movement of theirs, they even took all the guns with them. A smirk formed on my face as I realised, there will be no guard present in the building tonight.

But what scared me was my wounded body, they left me in no condition to fight. The drugs inside me make it difficult for my body to even move too quickly. Despite everything being against me, I had a burning fire inside of me. The fire of my desire to break free from here...to finally go back to My Rooh.

It's only her love that has kept me alive, pushed me through months of this intense torture. I knew if I give up, I would loose every possibility of meeting her again. If staying here and bearing this torture gives me even the slightest chance of going back to her; It's a thousand times Worth it.

Robert was about to leave with all the guards, they looked like soldiers going on wars, indicating that the problem was really serious. Before Robert could step his foot outside the door, I gathered all my strength to yell loudly.

"All the best Robert. I hope your boss, Mr. Ken dies today or I will have to get my hands bloody by killing him myself."

He just looked at me with a glare, trying to scare me away but I looked him dead in the eyes. Due to shortage of time, he left without saying anything. It was suddenly all silent in the whole building before Max and Eric came inside, sitting themselves down on the chairs in their so called office.

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