46. The balcony

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Is what I would call, where I was right now. Sleeping on her lap after a tiring night brought me immense peace almost as if I was 3 once again sleeping in my mother's embrace. The feathery touch of her fingers through my hairs sent soothing tingles all over my body. And just like that I fell asleep in a deep slumber.

×(60 minutes later)×

Streching my arms I slowly opened my sleepy eyes, trying to adjust to the slight light coming from the window. Letting a yawn I sat up a little but frowned seeing the empy place beside me. How long was I out for? I let out a groan and rubbed my eyes to see clearly. My eyes wandered around the room, scanning every corner but I couldn't spot her presence.

A sudden feeling of terror washes over my body making the hair on my neck stand up. My palms felt cold when I didn't find her right in front of my eyes, thinking about thousand possible places she might have gone to, I quickly stood up and wore my slippers hastily. Due to my carelessness and hurry, I ended up bumping my knee to the side table.


A yelp left my lips as I fall back down on the bed just then my eyes caught a paper more like a letter kept under my mobile on the table itself. My eyebrows crashed together in curiosity mixed with a sense of fear. Letting out a sigh I quickly unfolded the paper as my eyes scanned over the words quickly.

The note:-

I hope you slept well my love, I am sorry to leave like this but some urgent work came up and your sleeping
face was too cute to wake you up. Don't worry everything is fine.

I love you Jay ♡.

I pouted after reading the sweet little note she left me with, that too with a heart. Well, nothing seemed wrong according to the letter but my mind kept going back and forth trying to make out different possibilities of what urgent work she might be talking about. I don't even know how long she had been gone for!

I frowned and bite my inner cheek feeling conflicted whether to call her or not? What if she is busy? Not wanting to disturb her, I settled at the option of leaving her a text asking about her whereabouts and then decided to call maa too checking upon her. Feeling relieved after talking to her and the doctor, I finally decided to get some pending work done.

Washing my face,I sat myself down on the study table before opening my laptop as I started by replying to some important emails. While replying to the tons of emails I didn't realize when time flew away, it was only untill I stood up to drink water that I saw it's been 45 minutes and she still hasn't seen my texts.

I scrolled through my phone trying to distract myself hoping for a text back soon but all my hopes went in vain when she didn't reply for another 30 minutes. I bite my lip, crashing my eyebrows together as I leaned back on my chair feeling worried all of a sudden. Not being able to hold back, I took my phone and dialed her number.

"Please be ok."

I muttered before bringing the phone closer to my ears. I held my breath unknowingly as the bell rang and rang but she didn't pick up. I let out a slow groan and put the phone back on the table with a loud thud. I tapped my fingers on the desk anxiously while looking around the room, something just didn't feel right in my heart.

Meri Rooh♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora