40. Matching Steps

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Thanking God for the success of the operation and maa's well being, we both made our way in the direction of doctor's cabin to ask if we can meet Maa. Jay telling his Baba about me this soon, wasn't something I expected considering they aren't close but as much as I have seen both of them interact with eachother. I can see somewhere they both have love for one another. At vulnerable moments like these families tend to come closer.

"Btw, did everyone else go home? I didn't even ask how you came."

Jay's question brought me out of my thoughts as I looked at him and nodded slightly before answering his question.

"Actually I sent bhai home since mumma was getting worried and Ravi bhaiya went to drop Srishti home, her house is quite far from here.He must be on his way back already though."

Jay softly rubbed his fingers against mine as we walked while talking. He let out a hum in response to my answer and placed his right hand on my shoulder from behind. I looked down to watch our steps syncing perfectly as we both walked together. I smiled slightly and increased my pace which made Jay do the same as he managed to keep our steps parallel. These enduring action of his made me let out a giggle while I continued to walk lookimg down at our matching steps.


Jay spoke with a grin looking at me, who was giggling like an idiot looking down at her feet. I looked up at him and let out an embarrassed laugh before speaking, my cheeks reddened as I admitted how I got excited over such a trival thing.

"You are trying to match our steps perfectly, you walk fast when I do and slow down when I do."

The corner of his lips lifted up in a slight smile as he halted his steps making me do the same. He grinned gazing into my brown orbs and poked my nose with his index finger before speaking, in a voice full of adoration.

"You're too cute to be walking around just like that, how did God even let you out of the angel's heaven?"

I made a weird face, almost cringing up at his cheesy words. Scrunching up my nose, I narrowed my eyes and spoke with a slight sarcasm laced in my tone.

"Exactly how he let you out of the chessy land."

"So I am chessy then?"

I nodded to his question with a lip tight smile but a gasp left my mouth when I felt him slightly pinching my waist. My eyes widen at his sudden action which I could never predict. He smirked at my actions and kissed my index finger, by which I had covered my mouth in shock.
Taking a step back he spoke in a rather deeper voice.

"Revenge completed baby, if you remember you remember."

He passed me a wink and shrugged his shoulders before going inside the doctor's cabin. I stood there for a couple of seconds sinking in what just happened. The stinging feeling of that pinch felt strangely good, better than I wanted it to. I looked here there hoping noone was there to witness my flustered state just because he slightly pinched my clothed waist. The effect you have on me! Mr. Oberoi...

I sat outside, giving him some privacy to talk about the condition of his mother. I can't thank God enough for this miracle. She is totally okay and I got my goofy Jay back. The sight of him crying bitterly alone while blaming himself just broke my heart and scared me to death. Now seeing him all chirpy after this good news was like a medicine to my heart.

I texted bhai, to ask what was happening at home. I am really glad for my mother to already know about Jay or else it would have been so difficult to manage this situation. I let out a content sigh after reading his reply that everything was fine and he had told papa, I will be staying at Srishti's tonight. I was scrolling randomly when Jay came out.

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