Chapter 13

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In the daytime, Jiang Luo drew a whole stack of suppression talismans.

Thanks to the hand speed he developed during his training at the design institute, and thanks to some unknown force, he was now able to drown Chi You in yellow talismans as if he were scattering money.

He could even crush Chi You to death with them.

Jiang Luo leisurely watched the increasingly fierce and gloomy fog. He smiled, his thin lips curving up, holding a talisman paper with his intact hand to press down on the humanoid fog's neck, and then with his knee, also covered with a talisman paper, he delivered a fierce blow to the mist's abdomen.

Chi You groaned.

Bending over, strands of black hair slid down from Jiang Luo's shoulder as he asked in a soft whisper, "Teacher, does it feel good?"

The black fog stagnated for a few seconds, and then the evil ghost suddenly laughed.

His laughter grew louder, almost to the point of madness, sounding chilling and terrifying.

Yet, Jiang Luo listened calmly, placing another talisman on the evil ghost, softly saying, "I'll make you feel good all night."


When Lu Youyi groggily woke up, he found the people in his class group calling him down for a meal.

He curiously went to the dining hall, only to see seven people sitting together, eating breakfast lively. Lu Youyi wondered, "How did you all get up so early?"

"Jiang Luo bought breakfast and woke us up," Ge Zhu happily sipped his soy milk, responding. He always respected those who could spend money, praising Jiang Luo while eating his food, "Hurry over here. This is all bought by Jiang Luo early in the morning. Jiang Luo, you're really too kind. It's such a blessing to have you as my classmate."

Lu Youyi scratched his head, walked over, and sat down, glancing at Jiang Luo curiously, "Why did you suddenly decide to buy us breakfast?"

He looked down, startled, "What happened to your hand?"

Jiang Luo's right hand was wrapped in a fresh cast.

Jiang Luo smiled broadly, in a good mood, and said, "Last night when you were all drunk, I was carrying you back to your rooms, and someone crashed into me, dislocating my arm."

The people who had been drunk last night stiffened, their eyes nervously flicking towards Jiang Luo, as if asking, "Who was the fool?"

Jiang Luo's gaze swept around before settling on the increasingly stiff figure of Kuang Zheng.

He hadn't figured out the yin-yang ring on his hand yet, and saw this as an opportunity to have Kuang Zheng help him with it. Sorry for making you take the fall, artisan.

Sweat dripped slowly from Kuang Zheng's forehead. Despite his towering presence, he was restless under Jiang Luo's gaze. With a cramped voice, Kuang Zheng apologized, "I'm sorry."

He rarely drank, so he never knew what he was like when drunk.

Considering everyone else's slender and tall figures, it seemed only he could have been responsible for dislocating Jiang Luo's arm.

Kuang Zheng was filled with guilt, his hands clenched then released as he apologized again, "It's all my fault…"

Jiang Luo felt like he was bullying a good person. Having been through much in society, he seldom met someone as honest as Kuang Zheng. Yet, without showing any difference in his demeanor, he said, "It's okay, you were drunk; it wasn't intentional."

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