Chapter 178

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Without wasting any time, they got in touch with Ge Wuchen for his cooperation. Before dinner, Jiang Luo and Wen Renlian rode their motorcycles out.

They headed straight to the outskirts, on the highway. Jiang Luo accelerated to feel the motorcycle's grip, familiarizing himself with the sensation of pressing the throttle. With each intense and thunderous roar, as the passing scenery blurred before them, adrenaline surged. Jiang Luo sensed the long-lost exhilaration, and the suppressed vigor burst forth in a rush.

Smelling the gasoline, they raced to the mountain road, driving straight to the mountaintop.

Several motorcycles were already parked at the summit. These vibrant and dazzling bikes showcased various modifications and designs. The owners chatted in small groups beside their bikes, while a group of scantily clad, beauty-over-warmth-seeking women laughed and joked together.

Jiang Luo and Wen Renlian parked their bikes on the side. Wen Renlian pointed to a man with a tiger tattoo, saying, "He's Liu Qi, the organizer of the races here. He's the leader."

Wen Renlian took him to find Liu Qi, speaking casually, "In recent years, motorcycle races have become increasingly famous. It used to be purely about skill, but now it involves gambling. Betting money, companionship, and even other things – the stakes keep getting higher."

As they spoke, Liu Qi noticed them and walked over, holding a male companion. "Rare visitors, Wen Ren," he greeted, shaking Wen Renlian's hand firmly before turning his gaze to Jiang Luo.

Liu Qi had a fierce and menacing appearance, but his male companion in his arms was quite handsome. Annoyed, the companion freed himself from Liu Qi's grip, casting a sidelong glance at Jiang Luo and Wen Renlian. This was Liu Qi's new boyfriend, Zheng Ning. He impatiently tugged at Liu Qi's hand, eyeing Jiang Luo and Wen Renlian with a scrutinizing gaze, like inspecting merchandise.

Wen Renlian introduced, "This is my buddy, Jiang Luo. Tonight, he wants to join the ride."

After sizing up Jiang Luo, Liu Qi glanced at his bike and said, "Sure, welcome. But a few more people haven't arrived yet; we'll have to wait. Do you want someone to accompany you for a lap to get familiar with the route?"

"I'll take a look," Jiang Luo scanned the racers and spotted someone familiar. "Isn't that Fu Wei?"

As soon as he spoke, Zheng Ning turned his attention to Jiang Luo. Jiang Luo's charm wasn't just a rumor; Zheng Ning couldn't seem to look away, feeling a mix of jealousy and caution. On one hand, he envied and guarded against Jiang Luo, almost losing his pride when faced with Jiang Luo's attractive face. On the other hand, he couldn't shake the feeling that Jiang Luo wasn't a rival, that their relationship wasn't one of competition.

Before Liu Qi could reply, Zheng Ning answered, "Yes, that's the famous celebrity. He's in town recording a show. If you have time tonight, come over; you know him, right?"

"We're acquainted," Jiang Luo smiled at Zheng Ning. "If you want his autograph, I can take you to meet him."

With those words, Zheng Ning felt reassured. In his view, Jiang Luo was clearly showing interest in him. Though Jiang Luo was too good-looking for his taste, being pursued by such a handsome man satisfied his vanity.

Zheng Ning composedly said, "Let's go then. I quite like this celebrity."

Liu Qi didn't mind and patted Zheng Ning's buttocks, allowing him to follow Jiang Luo.

Hardly anyone here failed to notice Fu Wei; he stood out like a spotlight among ordinary people. Leaning on his heavy motorcycle, he smoked in silence, curls covering the corners of his eyes. Legs crossed, feet clad in leather boots, a vacant space surrounded him, and nobody dared to strike up a conversation, making Fu Wei seem unapproachable.

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