Chapter 35

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In the Celestial Master's Mansion, the crowd was more diverse and numerous than Jiang Luo had imagined. From children to elders, from businessmen to officials, and even a few famous celebrities recognizable from daily television broadcasts filled the scene. Their expressions ranged from anxious to respectful, and despite the multitude of people coming and going, a remarkable silence was maintained throughout the large courtyard.

However, most of these people would not get the chance to meet the Celestial Master himself.

Jiang Luo was astonished by the prestige of the Feng family as Chen Pi led him through the waiting crowd to the first courtyard gate. A young disciple guarding the gate greeted them, saying, "Uncle Master Chen, Mr. Feng has been waiting for you inside."

Feng Li?

Catching a glimpse of Chen Pi from the corner of his eye, Jiang Luo wondered why his makeshift master was taking him to see Feng Li.

Crossing the threshold into the inner courtyard, they immediately noticed a decrease in the number of people. Soon, they passed by a lotus pond where a stone table and chairs were set, with two individuals seated. One of them, an amiable-looking elderly man with a flowing white beard, was greeted respectfully by Chen Pi as "Master."

This must be the old Celestial Master, and Jiang Luo followed suit, greeting him as "Grandmaster."

"Good," the old Celestial Master said with a kind smile, exchanging a few words with Chen Pi before turning his attention to Jiang Luo, "So, this is your disciple who just won first place in the competition?"

"Yes, this kid is called Jiang Luo," Chen Pi responded.

"Jiang Luo," the old master mulled over the name, "Not bad, a good kid."

Then, looking towards the elderly man sitting opposite him, he added, "This child's talent is excellent, not at all inferior to that boy from the Chi family."

Chi family?

Jiang Luo kept his expression unchanged but became more alert.

Glancing at the elderly man, who appeared to be in his seventies or eighties with liver spots on his hands and face, narrow forehead, and protruding cheekbones, his eyes sparkled with intelligence. "Which child from my family is the old Celestial Master referring to?"

Laughing, the old master replied, "Who else but Chi You, the child with such talent?"

"Their direct lineage has always possessed astonishing talents," the Chi family elder remarked somewhat coldly, "Talent is one thing, but destiny is another. Which of their lineage has lived past thirty?"

After a pause, he glanced at Jiang Luo, "This one seems likely to have a long life. Old Master, your disciple is commendable."

The old Celestial Master laughed heartily, gesturing for Chen Pi to proceed, "Go on, don't delay your affairs."

After bidding farewell to the old master, Chen Pi led Jiang Luo away from the lotus pond and soon, they reached the ancestral hall.

Upon entering, Jiang Luo saw Feng Li offering incense. Still dressed in traditional Tang attire, Feng Li turned around after finishing his offering and said indifferently, "You've arrived?"

Despite being significantly older and having been accepted by the old Celestial Master before Feng Li, Chen Pi did not dare to act rashly in front of him, respectfully saying, "Junior brother, I've brought Jiang Luo with me."

"Hm," Feng Li's gaze swept over the young man with black hair from head to toe, then suddenly frowned, "What is this?"

Feng Li's gaze fixated on a strand of inconspicuous white hair by the young man's ear.

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