Chapter 75

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T youth with black hair moved lightly around the sofa as if dancing.

In the dark night, only the moonlight entered, casting strands of silver brilliance.

Jiang Luo's smile was gentle and knowing as he leaned close to the demon, the fragrance from his hair carrying a hint of poisonous allure.

"Oh?" The demon remained calm, his dress shoes swaying slightly, his tone ambiguous, "How so?"

Indeed, Jiang Luo was correct.

Everyone has weaknesses, and Chi You was no exception.

It took him three days to overcome the backlash of the ghost patterns, and after each backlash, Chi You would have a period of weakness.

During this period of weakness, Chi You would hide in a quiet place, waiting slowly for his recovery.

At this time, Chi You would not expose himself to anyone, keeping his vulnerability perfectly hidden, unnoticed by all.

—This time should have been no different.

However, after the backlash ended, when Chi You resumed monitoring everyone worthy of his attention, he saw the black-haired youth in his room.

Jiang Luo was deliberately luring him out.

Chi You was well aware of this, but to his own surprise, knowing it was a trap, he was still eager to confront Jiang Luo before he had fully recovered.

This was something even the demon could hardly believe himself.

Jiang Luo stretched out his finger, gently picking up a dead leaf that had accidentally fallen on Chi You's chest, almost laughing out loud, "Look at this, you even have a dead leaf on you?"

It was known that Chi You, the perfectionist, would not allow even a speck of dust on his shoes, even in the wilderness.

Jiang Luo, intrigued, spoke again: "Chi You, you also have moments of weakness."

"Discovered, huh."

The demon sighed, expressing his regret.

"What a surprise..." Jiang Luo stood up straight, clasping his hands together, the bones in his hands clicking, "Then, it's my turn now."


The TV was turned on, tuning into a music channel.

At that moment, a song with fast drum beats and intense bass played.

Amidst the increasingly rapid music, the demon was tortured by the black-haired youth using the same method of death, over and over again. A vase was smashed, its sharp fragments falling on the demon, who was pinned against the wall by his collar, his blood staining the collar messy and splotched. The black-haired youth tightened the rope around the demon's neck, chuckling, "How does it feel?"

The demon looked up, his hair disheveled, experiencing real pain over and over as the pain from the water infused with spells churned inside him. The veins on his neck stood out as he spoke in a hoarse voice, "Not bad."

"It hurts," he grunted, adding with a sigh, "You're really cruel.”

Jiang Luo smiled gently, lowering his head to softly comfort, "Don't be afraid, there will be something even more painful waiting for you."

Humans, filled with a sense of revenge, replicated their own deaths in dreams upon the malevolent spirit, starting from the least painful to increasingly severe deaths.

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