Chapter 22

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Jiang Luo nearly laughed.

What could possibly be more terrifying than you?

Beside him was a ruthless ghost clad in human skin, and outside was another filthy entity. To be honest, Jiang Luo would rather face the ghost outside than hide in the storeroom with Bai Yefeng.

Jiang Luo did not expose the ghost's poor performance on the spot, yet he keenly detected the malice in the ghost's tone.

That malice had him on edge.

The air inside the cramped storeroom was damp and sticky, offering barely enough space for someone to stand.

Jiang Luo slapped away Bai Yefeng's hand, took a step back, and created some distance between them.

The light overhead flickered as if it would burst the next second, and a foul stench seeped in through the crack under the door, while a thin layer of frost covered the single-panel door.

Suddenly, a series of loud footsteps came from outside the bathroom.

A rough male voice barked viciously, "Where is she! We can't let her get away!"

"Hurry up, she's hiding in the bathroom. Find her quickly, or it'll be too late for us!"

Jiang Luo concentrated, listening to the footsteps, there were three people outside, but only two were speaking. They argued loudly, seemingly unconcerned about being overheard. Judging by their voices, they all seemed to be around thirty years old.

Why would men in their thirties enter a dorm filled with contestants?

Jiang Luo quickly realized, much like the memories of the landlady he encountered at the 129 Hotel, he might have stumbled into the scene of an event that had already taken place.

The three men outside grew increasingly sinister, "Search every room."

Jiang Luo listened intently, whereas Bai Yefeng seemed disinterested, idly twirling a strand of Jiang Luo's hair.

With a "bang," the door of the first restroom stall was kicked open. The man who kicked it spat, "Damn, that bitch isn't in the first one."

Another door was kicked open.

The storeroom where Jiang Luo was hiding was in the sixth stall.

The sound of doors being kicked open was terrifying like thunder, and soon, the three men outside had kicked open four doors.

Only the fifth stall remained.

Jiang Luo couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for the fleeing girl, knowing this was an event that had already happened, but the tense and terrifying atmosphere was still frightening.

The words came out so casually from their mouths.

"Bitch, where the fuck are you hiding?"

"I'm fucking exhausted, she really can run. Good thing it's the holidays and no one's around, gotta have my fun with her before we kill her."

"Ha, haven't you had enough? Don't fucking die over a woman, man."

"This bitch might not be as pretty as her friend, but she's still alive, right? Gotta make the most of it."

Accompanied by their foul language, someone kicked open the door of the fifth stall.

Jiang Luo frowned, already guessing what kind of scene would unfold next.

But unexpectedly, it was silent outside.

Someone exclaimed in surprise, "No one in the fifth stall either?"

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