Chapter 155

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Feng Li followed the monk to a cavern entrance.

The sound of flowing water echoed, suggesting an underground river. Feng Li remained calm; despite walking into the unknown with an adversary, his confidence as the youngest celestial master of the Heavenly Masters' Sect assured him a safe return from any perilous situation.

After a while, Ge Wuchen halted, respectfully stating, "Celestial Master, my master is just ahead. Please, enter."

Feng Li glanced at him indifferently and proceeded inside at a measured pace.

Soon, by the dark river, Feng Li spotted a vaguely familiar figure in black.

Celestial Master Ling Li narrowed his eyes, saying enigmatically, "Chi You."

The demon turned his head, a pale, handsome face with a subtle smile. His words trailed melodically as ripples reflected on the dark river, "Celestial Master, it's been a while."

Feng Li adjusted his jade ring, exuding a terrifying aura, filled with murderous intent.

"No need to be so tense, Celestial Master," the demon shrugged, "I invited you here to discuss cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Feng Li mocked, "Cooperate to sell my disciple to you?"

The demon burst into laughter, echoing eerily in the cavern. After a moment, he stopped, apologizing, "My apologies, but your words were too amusing. It's as if Jiang Luo belongs to you."

Feng Li frowned, fingers forming a seal on his chest. The demon, in a leisurely manner, remarked, "Celestial Master, don't you want to know some little secrets?"

Feng Li paused.

The demon turned to the dark river, "This is the water of the Lianjia Tianbi Lake. It flows to the large spring pool in the old mansion. I'm sure you've experienced the efficacy of the holy water; it's quite useful."

Feng Li lowered his hand, gazing at the dark river, sarcastically commenting, "Ge Wuchen, a traitor to the Buddhist faith, has joined your ranks. The former head of the Chi family is indeed not to be underestimated. Even in death, he possesses remarkable abilities. Compared to the Chi family's legacy, you surpass it by far."

The demon smiled politely, "Thank you."

Feng Li twisted the jade ring, questioning, "How do you know about the relationship between me, Ji Yaozi, and the Chosen One?"

"Besides you, a few others are aware," the demon replied casually, "like-"

"The Chosen One considers your body as the vessel for his second form."

Feng Li crushed the jade ring between his fingers. His gaze darkened, and after a storm of rage, he calmly asked, "What else do you know?"

The demon nonchalantly said, "Quite a lot."

Before Feng Li could respond, the demon exclaimed, "Hmm?" and looked up, extending his hand.

A cloud of ash abruptly materialized in the air, forming a pale blue card in the demon's hand. He stared at it, the smile on his face changing. Chuckling, he said, "Unexpectedly..."

Feng Li furrowed his brow. The demon slipped the card into his pocket, his demeanor slightly distracted. "Let's pick up the pace, Celestial Master."

He looked at Feng Li, crimson light flickering in his eyes, whispering, "I'm still looking forward to our rendezvous."

Feng Li's eyes went blank for a moment, his gaze vacant as if he had lost consciousness, frozen in place.

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