Chapter 91

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At the dinner in the civilian area.

After choosing what they wanted to eat, Ye Xun and his companions had just sat down when a young woman who had been humiliated on stage and her husband came over and sat down with them.

The husband, with slightly red eyes, gratefully said, "We looked for you for several days... It was you who protested with me that night at the ball, wasn't it? I really can't thank you enough."

This couple was newly married. The man was named Li Wei, and the woman was named He Yao. They boarded the ship because they couldn't afford to buy a house.

He Yao was a woman with a delicate appearance and a virtuous temperament. She silently wiped her tears away while Li Wei held her, full of regret, wishing he could slap himself, "I shouldn't have taken you to the ball that night."

He Yao patted his hand, "There was no choice. If we didn't participate in the other activities on the ship, even if we successfully got off the ship, the money we got wouldn't be enough to buy the house we wanted."

Li Wei was full of frustration, saying in a muffled voice, "It's my lack of ability. I'm sorry."

After their emotions had calmed down, Zhuo Zhongqiu cleared her throat and asked, "How did you know that boarding the ship could make money?"

Li Wei wiped his face, "We both work at a bath center. She learned massage, and I do pedicures for the customers. One day at work, we met a very wealthy customer. He chatted with me for a bit and gave me two tickets, saying that just boarding this ship could earn a large sum of money."

"We thought the customer was playing a joke on us," He Yao added softly, "but when we looked it up online, we found that the two tickets were worth thousands. We thought about it overnight, and, biting the bullet, we took half a month off to board the ship."

"It's also quite strange," Li Wei turned to her and said, "that day when I was giving the customer a pedicure, I accidentally cut his foot. I thought I would have my wages docked and was scared half to death, but the boss seemed not to feel any pain at all. He didn't even mention it and just hurried off after giving me the tickets."

During their conversation, several waiters appeared with trolleys, placing bowls of fish soup on everyone's table.

The fish soup was fragrant, and each bowl contained a piece of fish meat. Wen Renlian stirred the soup with a spoon a few times, and the delicious aroma wafted into his nostrils.

He suddenly recalled Lisa's warning to him, "Avoid drinking the fish soup."

Wen Renlian abruptly stopped, leaning in to quietly say to the person next to him, "Remember the advice I gave you earlier? Avoid using fish soup."

Zhuo Zhongqiu acknowledged with a nod, softly passing the message to another.

Lu Youyi, sitting next to the couple, heedfully pushed the fish soup away after the reminder. The couple, however, unguardedly lifted their bowls. Lu Youyi intervened, "Do not drink it."

Holding the bowl, Li Wei sniffed the savory aroma, saliva forming uncontrollably, puzzled, he inquired, "Why not?"

Lu Youyi fumbled for words, struggling to explain.

He didn't understand the reason, but there had to be a significant cause behind Wen Renlian's warning.

Failing to provide a reason, and overcome by the soup's enticing scent, the couple succumbed to temptation and sampled a sip.

In silence, Ge Zhu used a spoon to sift through the soup's contents.

Beyond fish flesh and seasonings, the soup contained translucent items resembling pieces of fruit.

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