Chapter 120

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"Chi You's servant?"

Jiang Luo, as if in contemplation, said, "After dinner, I want to go to the Yizhuang and take a look."

Chi You raised the fingers holding the wontons and nodded, "Alright."

After a stick of incense, the two hurried towards Yizhuang.

Yizhuang was built in a remote part of the city, funded collectively by the people of Bujiu City as a temporary place to store corpses. A lonely courtyard stood amidst the wilderness, with a dilapidated wooden gate and walls peeling off white plaster. It was now evening, and in the dim light, Yizhuang looked even more eerie.

Jiang Luo and Chi You walked in without changing their expressions. Yizhuang was divided into two parts: the courtyard beyond the main gate, storing more than twenty black wooden coffins, and a low building in the courtyard where the newly deceased were kept.

Jiang Luo looked at the coffins in the courtyard, and Chi You explained, "These are people who have died in the past few days. The coffins are temporarily placed here, waiting for a good day to be buried together."

Jiang Luo asked, "Isn't there anyone guarding Yizhuang?"

"There's an old man, surnamed Xu. We all call him Old Xu," Chi You led the way to the inner door, "He's eccentric. He should be napping in a side room after finishing his drink. We can go in and out on our own."

After saying that, he pushed the door open.

"Creak," the heavy, old wooden door creaked open. The nauseating smell of corpses hit them. Chi You covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief, a faint smile playing on his lips, "Young Master Jiang, come in."

Inside, there were only two kerosene lamps. In the middle of the lamps were two beds, each with a corpse covered in white cloth, bloodstains visible.

Jiang Luo also covered his nose, lifting one of the kerosene lamps closer to one of the bodies. When he uncovered the white cloth, his pupils contracted sharply, "Duanzi?"

On the bed, Duanzi's face was pale, eyes wide open, lips purple. His head was severed from the neck, a pitiful sight.

Dead... Duanzi?

How could it be?

Yesterday, they were still discussing how to catch the evil spirit together, and today he's dead?

Jiang Luo breathed out, unwilling to believe it but finding it incredibly surreal. He placed the kerosene lamp aside, uncovering all the white cloth. Duanzi not only had his head severed but his limbs were also detached, pieced together in a humanoid form.

Chi You stood by, watching as if looking at thin air. Suddenly, he sighed, "It's really pitiful that he died."

Jiang Luo furrowed his brows.

He walked to the other bed, forcefully uncovering the white cloth. Another corpse lay there - a beggar with messy hair, tattered clothes, and a foul smell permeating from him. His death was similar to Duanzi's, head severed and placed nearby, but not dismembered like Duanzi. The beggar's expression, like Duanzi's, carried the lingering fear of death.

As if scared to death.

Jiang Luo tossed the white cloth on the ground, staring intently at the body. Soon, he noticed a dark mist on the corpse, swirling around the neck. This thing was extremely familiar; Jiang Luo had seen it before on the innkeeper at the 129 Hotel.

Without hesitation, he reached out and touched the dark mist. It clung to his arm, and in an instant, Jiang Luo seemed to enter a hazy dream unnoticed. He witnessed the last memories of the deceased, feeling the intense fear and sudden stop of their hearts.

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