Chapter 43

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The village chief, with practiced ease, clearly wasn't new to handling the chosen girls this way.

Was this the true purpose behind the temple's selection?

Jiang Luo stood with his hands tied behind his back, deliberately leaving a little gap. He pretended to struggle for a moment before naturally allowing the village chief to bind him.

Since the village chief believed him to be a woman, the bindings weren't very tight. After wrapping several coils of rope around Jiang Luo, the village chief announced, "Divine Envoy, I've tied her up."

The Divine Envoy turned around, sighed, and asked, "Village chief, is this how you always do it?"

The village chief, looking puzzled and rubbing his hands, glanced at Jiang Luo, not understanding what went wrong. "This is how it's always been done."

Jiang Luo's forehead twitched.

He had a premonition that Qi Ye was about to cause trouble for him again.

Sure enough, the Divine Envoy approached him. His wet black robe had somehow dried in the meantime. The enigmatic Divine Envoy stood in front of Jiang Luo, looked down at the young man with dark hair.

Jiang Luo watched coldly, curious about his next move.

The Divine Envoy lifted his hand, wrapped in layers of black cloth, peeling off the fabric on his arm, revealing a strip of cloth about two fingers thick slowly falling from his grasp.

As the black cloth cascaded down, it revealed the pale bluish hue of the Divine Envoy's skin. Holding the long strip of fabric in his hand, he said, "Merely binding the person is not enough."

Raising his hand, the black cloth approached Jiang Luo's eyes, gently covering the brilliant stars hidden within his beautiful fiery gaze.

"Don't forget to cover her eyes as well."


Jiang Luo definitely detected a hidden smirk in the Divine Envoy's voice.

Fucking Chi You, indeed bringing him a new trouble.

With his vision shrouded in darkness, Jiang Luo felt a surge of anxiety facing the unknown and adversaries without sight. His lips were tightly pressed, forming a straight line at the corners.

The Divine Envoy gently tied the black cloth behind his head.

Deprived of sight, Jiang Luo's hearing became exceptionally sharp. He could almost picture the Divine Envoy's black robe brushing against his shoulder by the sound of the fabric rustling near his ear.

He caught a faint scent from the Divine Envoy.

It was the aroma of sandalwood and candle flames.

The Divine Envoy's actions were deliberate and slow. To an onlooker, the moment the Divine Envoy's wide black robe unfolded, it seemed to envelop the dark-haired young man in its embrace. The young man dodged slightly, his braid peeking out of the robe for a moment before being securely concealed again.

In the village, where only the chief served as a spectator, an air of peculiarity lingered. Never before had the envoy conducted such rituals.

After blindfolding Jiang Luo, the envoy stepped back, glancing at the young man with jet-black hair, now securely bound and blindfolded. A fleeting smile crossed his pale lips as he rasped, "Chief, come with me to fetch the offerings."

The chief hurriedly agreed, and their footsteps faded into the distance.

Jiang Luo waited patiently for another twenty seconds, ensuring he was alone before sliding a small knife from his sleeve. With a swift motion, he cut through the ropes.

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