Chapter 111

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Snow, Jiang Luo said that the blizzard would arrive in an hour, making everyone nervous to the point of tears. They anxiously looked at Jiang Luo, "What should we do, Senior Brother?"

Jiang Luo glanced at the clouds after putting down his backpack, casually suggesting, "Let's consult the divination."

He took out three copper coins, wiped his hands with the snow, and the other three crouched beside him, eyes fixed.

The divination revealed Qian Gua, northwest direction. Jiang Luo packed up and brought out a compass, "Let's go."

The four headed northwest, and half an hour later, the sky darkened, thick clouds covered, a sign of the impending blizzard.

Impressed by Jiang Luo's guidance, Li Xue and the others addressed him as Senior Brother sincerely, making Jiang Luo's smile unnaturally stiff.

Another half-hour passed, snowflakes became sharp, accompanied by howling winds on the high mountain.

The cold swept in, and although the three boys managed, Li Xue, in thick snow, struggled.

After a brief divination with his fingers, Jiang Luo shouted, "We're almost there, hold on."

With each word, cold winds rushed into his throat, causing a painful cough.

Li Xue regained strength, motivated to move forward.

After the blizzard, visibility was reduced. Unsure how far they had walked, warm lights appeared in the snowstorm.

Li Qiang excitedly exclaimed, "There are people ahead!"

With the lights, their steps regained vigor. They rushed towards the direction of the lights and found an exquisite wooden villa.

Jiang Luo knocked on the door, asking Li Xue quietly, "Are there such villas in the mountains?"

"Yes," exhausted, Li Xue leaned against the wall. "During summer, people come here to escape the heat. They've built many villas; families who can afford mountain villas are well-off. We're saved."

As Li Xue finished speaking, a slightly elderly voice from inside said, "Come in."

They entered, warmth immediately enveloping them. Shivering, they took off their half-wet down jackets under the guidance of an elderly man.

In the absence of city heating, the mountain used the oldest method—a fireplace. Besides the elderly man, there were two couples sitting on the sofa. The older couple kindly assisted Jiang Luo's group, chatting about the unexpected blizzard. Another group of four students, two males and two females, also victims of the sudden snowfall, greeted them.

One curly-haired girl approached, "Are you also here to enjoy the mountain scenery?"

"Ah?" Lian Bing was puzzled. "What scenic beauty is there to capture on a snowy mountain?"

"It's precisely because it's snowing that it's unusual," the hat-wearing guy among the students, who had been fiddling with his camera, replied. "We haven't had such a spectacular snowfall in a long time. The four of us came specifically to take photos."

The other elderly couple sat back with a smile, pouring hot water for them. "We two old folks got stuck here too. We rushed here to deliver firewood when the snow stopped in the morning, but the road in the snow is difficult. Our legs are not as nimble, just climbed up to deliver firewood, and the blizzard came. Thanks to Manager Yan for letting us hide from the storm here."

Manager Yan hung their clothes meticulously and brought two plates of snacks from the kitchen, then smiled, "Thank you for coming up. Stay here until the blizzard ends. Our master is a good person, very hospitable to guests."

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