BC128: Happily

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The next several months passed quickly.

Blake had her baby at the end of summer. She and Sun had a girl. They named her Stella, which means star, because it was like what was the combination of their names. Blake's literary turn produced the idea. Sun just thought it was cool.

Kali and Gira got choked up at the birth. They wanted Blake and Sun to visit them often, though since they had kids from the refugees living at their home, plus now Carmine Dawkins (who seemed likely to stay with them until her Dad got out of prison), Blake wasn't sure they needed more kids around.

About a month after that, Yang and Raven had their babies. Within one day of each other. Yang hadn't even left the hospital when Raven checked into it, which the staff thought was as hilarious as the team did, while the two ladies involved thought it was embarrassing.

Raven, by the time the babies finally arrived, had adapted to the idea with her usual toughness. Granted, in private moments, she admitted to still being worried, but all in all her pregnancy had gone very smoothly, especially considering her age, and the delivery took a pretty short time considering.

Yang had had a hard time not getting to do as much as usual and said at least once a day that she "couldn't wait till this thing was out."

The actual labor was not so fun for her, however.

Neptune's mom, Opis, seemed to finally be willing to accept Yang's presence as her daughter-in-law, once she found out she was going to be a grandma, and even came to the hospital to see them right away.

Neptune was pretty nervous about the whole thing, but once it was over he was excited.

Hazel was as calm as usual, at least they thought so, but Mercury said he was pretty sure he saw him clenching his hands nervously, so maybe he was still human.

Yang and Raven both had sons, something that Raven had found out early, since she said that having a baby was enough of a surprise. Yang hadn't wanted to know. 

Yang was enthused about it. She said it was perfect. Tai said she'd have said the same if it was  girl.

"But this way," Yang said, "I can teach him to fight."

"What if he turns out more like Neptune, personality wise?" Tai suggested.

"I can work with that," Yang shrugged.

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" Neptune frowned at Tai.

Tai shrugged.

He liked Neptune, he'd told Yang...he just still thought he was kind of a wimp.

Raven reported to Winter that she didn't care which it was, but she thought Hazel had been leaning toward a boy. "Though he gets along well with girls, with his sister and all, but I think he thought a boy would be tougher."

"I don't know about that, around here," Winter said. "But you already have a girl, and I personally like having one of each."

Winter and Qrow had just celebrated the twins' first birthday, and Pyrrha and Jaune would be celebrating Lux's in just a month and a half.

"Hmm, well, I hear it won't be that way for long," Raven said, pointing at Winter archly.

Winter reddened. "Who told you?"

"The doctor actually was the one who let it slip," Raven said. "They said it in passing-- 'and with your sister in law too, your family is sure getting big.' When were you going to tell me?"

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it," Winter said. "I don't know how it happened."

"Oh?" Raven had all intentions to tease her also. "Don't you know how this works? I mean, you were there for it, right?"

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