BC3: Reception

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The reception, such as it was, was at the Nikos residence, in the backyard and common areas.

That didn't stop the music from getting loud and the teens from getting rowdy while throwing it down.

The older family guests were more subdued for the most part, but getting acquainted with each other and the heroes.

Mrs. Nikos and Mrs. Arc were eager to meet Shine, as, apparently, Pyrrha and Jaune had talked her up.

Though she didn't strike them as that unusual off the bat. Still, they had it on good authority.

Wally got the same treatment from the men--and some women, but he avoided that.

"Being a hero makes you a hot commodity these days," Raven told him. She was sitting at a table, sipping punch. "Even I've had to drive away some overly enthusiastic callers."

"You never think about getting together with someone again?" Wally took the chance to eat some snacks and get out of the limelight.

"Oh... sometimes." Raven eyed the far side of the room. "But I think my taste has gotten more picky with age. I'm just not interested in those flings anymore."

"I know what you mean there. Slowing down a bit and settling on one person sounded like it would be hard," Wally said. "But it hasn't been, not really."

"So you never think about shopping around?" Raven asked.

"Rave, not all guys are like that." Wally was kind of offended. "Wouldn't you know anyway? Tai..."

"Tai? Not the best example," Raven said.

"Right...sorry," Wally said. "Still...you were the one who left."

"It wouldn't have worked out long term. Sometimes you just know." Raven shrugged. "We rushed that. Weren't ready for it."

"I hear you on that," Wally said. "Something people don't tell you is how hard it really is to have a real relationship. Could be why most of my friends have commitment issues..."

"But I think Arc and Nikos will be fine." Raven was in a rare, optimistic mood. "They're not like we were. They were looking for the right things."

"That's true, Raven," Wally said. "I think it's not about age, it's about what you are looking for. Maybe that's why things lined up for me when they did. So have you changed what you're looking for?"

"Maybe." Raven took a sip. "Less drama would be nice."

"Tell me about it," Wally agreed. "Oh, Shine's giving me a look like I need to bail her out. Too many questions from those ladies, I bet. Gotta go." He shot away.

Raven rolled her eyes to herself. Not that she was jealous that they were so solid.

Yang came over a few minutes later.

"Lucky for us, it looks like Jupiter and Opis managed to not hear about this," she said. "So no fighting."

"Did they know you were going to be in town?" Raven asked.

"Not unless you or Neptune told 'em." Yang crossed her arms and looked annoyed. "They call sometimes. They should just do what you do, radio silence."

"Why would I call? If you wanted to talk to me, you would call me," Raven said. "And you're driving half the time. Makes more sense."

"At least you're not following me anymore," Yang said dryly. "I hear all the Argus soldiers are terrified of you."

"I'm instilling some order." Raven rubbed her hand. "They're pathetic, but we work with what we have."

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