224: Nothing Feels Quite The Same

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No one really believed in their success yet. It wasn't till they'd crossed over the edge of the dragon-shaped lands that they began to think it was real.

And then Nora, who was watching out the side of the plane, suddenly yelled at them to look out the window.

Everyone did so, though Jaune felt a little queasy.

They were well above the land by now, and they could make out its outline.

It no longer looked like a dragon.

The topsoil seemed to have rearranged itself.

The new shape was not anything in particular, though Weiss said it looked a bit like a lion now that it had no reptilian head to it.

"The vision that Jinn showed us said that the gods changed this land to look the way it did," Ruby remembered.

"Of course, when they removed their power, they must have removed it from that land itself and changed it back," Pyrrha said.

"That seems weird to think about," Neptune said.

"But we never met any animals there," Blake recalled. "What else could that be but magic?"

After this, clouds blew in from the coast, and they saw rain and even thunder and lightning falling behind them.

"I don't think it ever rained while we were there," Yang noted.

"It should, with so much ocean around it," Raven said. "I guess that was magic too... huh."

She sat back down and looked at her hands. "Well, this has been quite a day... quite a year, really."

Salem, who'd not spoken to anyone even once, suddenly rushed to the waste bin on the plane and threw up into it.

"Ew..." Yang backed away.

"That was deja vu-ish." Ren looked at Jaune, who gave him a dirty look.

"I am not feeling too great either," Ozma said. He hadn't spoken either. "I had forgotten that I was not used to flying in the air in this form... not in a plane."

"Oh... motion sickness, is that what it is?" Wally said. "Honestly, this is nothing. The transporter is way worse than this at home."

"When you grow up that way..." Shine mused. "But we'll have to land soon, right?"

"This is a swift plane. Maybe another hour should have us in Vacuo," Glynda said. "And then we have the fun of telling everyone a story they won't believe."

"They might believe some of it," Theo said. "At least if they check out the moon."

* * *

In fact, Robyn, once she'd seen the lights flash out of the sky, had rushed to Shade Academy to confer with the other Schnees and Tai and Klein and Penny.

Even Watts--who had never owned up to Ironwood's interfering with him--was there.

But since the gods froze time while all the events around them were going on, it seemed to the people in Vacuo that it was only 10 minutes later that the moon suddenly healed itself, or so they thought, and the lights left again.

People raced to Shade to ask what happened, which of course they didn't know, but they'd heard enough of the story from the others to at least guess it meant the gods.

"And we're still here." Robyn hugged herself. "So they must have succeeded! Whoo hooo!"

"I hope that is what is means and not that they were destroyed and we were left with no answers," Willow said.

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