BC94: Bait (Heroes)-7

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Hypnosia looked up and then put the book down and stood, carefully.

"Fall," she said.

"Somnus, right?" Cinder said.

"Whatever," Hypnosia said. "What do you want?"

"Roman passed on your message," Cinder said. "I don't know why you told him to tell me that. I've been thinking it over...and all I could deduce is that you wanted to threaten me, or you were trying to drop some kind of hint. So which is it?"

"I thought it would make you come talk to me," Hypnosia said. "I had to see it for myself." She scrutinized Cinder. "I wondered why a terrorist-turned-dressmaker would be so anxious to keep fighting us. You could hole up in Argus, here, and leave us alone. Maybe we'd not be able to reach you."

"It's not in my nature to let a threat just stand," Cinder said.

"So I've heard. Why are you helping these people now?" Hypnosia said. "Aren't you all enemies?"

Cinder frowned. "It doesn't matter what we were or are. You people are far more deadly now than any of us. You threatened me just because I stopped you--and them just because they stand in your way."

"They once stood in your way."

"That was then... When you've saved the world together, things look different," Cinder replied flatly.

"I had thought once that you didn't think the world was worth saving."

"You seem to know a lot about me."

"Well, we try." Hypnosia leaned on the cell door. "Mala certainly doesn't like you. After you outed Teach and Calico, those incompetent idiots, she wasn't keen on you being around. But then she said she wanted us to bring you in alive. Which is probably worse... What they do to people they bring in alive is unspeakable in polite company... They brought in those from that raid, the one where you killed Bruiser."

"I had no choice," Cinder said. "He would have killed someone else if I didn't."

"Oh, don't apologize for that to me. Between the two of us, I'm not even sorry. That slob tried to have some fun with me--and most of the other women who are better looking than a mailbox. No one cares about that part. It's just the embarrassment of it. But I've had some time to think. Once I didn't do the kind of things they did in that tribe...but even on the island, I was slipping. Your friend Oscar tells me that it's the effects of bad company and their power of suggestion. And our own weakness. Fascinating to know that. But I'll get to the point: The tribe is only getting worse. Attacking children is a low I once would not have stooped to, but I did. If I would, they all would...and what's more, even people who wouldn't at first..."

She paused. "Look, the hostages they took, you don't know what they'll do to them. They might just abuse them, but if they have some promise...they could try to corrupt them."

Cinder shivered. "And does it work?"

"It works on some. Dolly, for one."

Cinder cast a look at her.

"Yeah, she wasn't one of us," Hypnosia said. "They snatched her from a town. Did terrible things to her... Once she was broken down enough, the Grimm started to work. I didn't get very close to that, and we usually ignored it. But, there it is. Probably why it shattered her mind so much when the Deimos attacked. She already was weak. She would follow what Mala said. Mala does not tolerate disobedience."

Cinder made a face.

"I take it from your reaction that you no longer support these methods," Hypnosia said.

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