235: Prayers

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"I have to say it's nice to finally have some time alone," Wally told Shine while they were walking from one location to the next. They preferred not to take the limos, too much attention.

"It has been crazy," Shine said. "Did you miss me?"

"What? No," Wally said. "I mean, I did, but I can handle some free time. Because it's good that you're not clingy."

Shine gave him a weird look.

"At least that's what the guys said..." Wally smiled weakly. "But honestly? I kind of thought you'd want to celebrate success more with me than with all these weird strangers."

"So you did miss me?"

"Duh. Didn't you miss me?"

"I did, but I thought you'd be bored with all the stuff I was doing," Shine admitted. "I thought I was being considerate. It's not really stuff you're into, so I thought you'd just be dying to go off with the guys and do cool things like fireworks or crowd work."

"I mean, it might have been a little boring, but I don't mind slowing down a bit after all that excitement and just chilling with you," Wally said.

Shine smiled. "Okay... well, I'll know that for next time. I didn't mean to brush you off. But that does explain why you didn't seem as psyched about it as I thought."

"You never do seem to think anyone would want to hang out with you." Wally patted her head to imply she could be clueless.

"I'm still getting used to them not all hating us," Shine said.

"Did they really ever hate us? I think they always thought we had a weird, unconventional charm about our crazy ideas." Wally tried to sound sophisticated.

"That is all I have going for me, usually," Shine said.

"No, you have being sweet and caring and fearless too." Wally poked her. "Get a little confidence, babe."

"Right back at you."

"I have confidence! I think they all love me."

"Hmm, well, you do tend to think that more than I do," Shine said.

"And am I usually right?"

"Yeah. But so am I."

"Who was it who told Cinder we tell people how to treat us again?"

"Stop that." Shine pretended to get annoyed.

"For real, why aren't you a little more excited?" Wally said.

"I would be if I wasn't thinking of having to leave them all," Shine said. "I am excited. But I've been working on the last things to do for them too."

She held out her hands, and a bag appeared in it. "I think I've got a good going away gift ready. You want to add to it before?"

"You want me to work? This is supposed to be the best night of their lives and I won't say of mine, but it'll go on the top 10."

"Maybe not, but if you read it, maybe you'd change your mind about it not going with the mood," Shine suggested.

Wally took out the top book. It was a nice, leather bound notebook in brown.

He opened the front page and found these words printed on the inside.

"You have ascended on high, you have led captivity captive, you have received gifts among men, even from the rebellious, that the LORD might dwell there.

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation. Our God is the God of salvation; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death." [Psalms 68: 18-20]

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