237: How Did You Love--2

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Raven was having more fun than she expected. It was kind of nice to be greeted by people and thanked instead of them screaming and running for their lives.

And best of all, no one was giving credit to Ozpin for the victory.

Though perhaps they weren't giving credit where it was due. But the tales of the new God were hard for anyone to believe... in time they might get used to it.

Raven would try to deal with it.

She wasn't the only one pleasantly surprised by attention, she saw Roman and Neo basking in the glow.

She also witnessed, along with Hazel, some people coming up to Emerald and Mercury while they were taking a break from the dancing and drinking some water.

It was a few moms from the look of it.

"I'm sure you've heard this so much today, but we just had to thank you," one of them took Emerald's hands to her great surprise. "I had family in Mistral still when those plagues hit, and some of us were nearly taken out by the Apathy. It's because of you and your friends that we're safe again."

Emerald swallowed. "Oh... well..."

"We know you switched sides," the other mom said. "My husband said that he recognized you from wanted posters... but we just want you to know, you're a hero in our books. It must have been so hard for young teens like you to face that danger, but you saved us all."

"It wasn't just us," Mercury said uncomfortably. "There were a lot of miracles."

"So who has done miracles?" The first mom said dryly. "It's still remarkable. Whatever God you serve, I hope He or She blesses you."

"It's He--" Emerald began.

But they weren't all listening.

"We don't want to bother you anymore," said the second. "But thank you."

They walked away still smiling.

"This is so trippy," Mercury rubbed his head.

Emerald sniffled. "I wasn't going to get upset again, but it's just... it's so different."

"I know, I know," Mercury actually put an arm around her. "I guess I'll cut you some slack this time, since it is pretty weird. Just don't embarrass me okay?"

"Don't be a jerk," Emerald leaned on him. "I'm happy, all right?"

"I know, that's the weird part," Mercury said.

She pretended to punch him.

"Ah kids," Raven tried to swallow the lump in her own throat as she spoke to Hazel.

Hazel wasn't much of a crier but he looked pretty soft for him.

"Well, they always wanted better than what Salem had to offer them," he said. "It was worth it all for this."

"Mmm... ahem, so what are you going to do now?" Raven asked.

"I have no idea," Hazel said. "I don't have friends left. Working for Salem didn't leave much room for it."

"I'm sure you'll have no trouble making friends," Raven said dryly. "Everyone seems to like you."

Hazel didn't really believe her and assumed it was a joke. He didn't laugh at it.

"Well, Winter surprised me earlier, before she snuck off with my brother again to do who knows what," Raven gestured flippantly. "She wanted to know if I'd help them in Argus. Something about a militia. I find the idea laughable."

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