207: The In-Between

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Salem knew they'd already found Mercury, even as Shine was talking to her about it.

Shine was still waiting for her to speak.

Salem looked like she hated what she was saying, but she spoke:

"Even if you left now with the boy, you're too late," she said. "Your camp has already been ambushed by now."

Shine finally looked surprised. "Tyrian," she realized.

"I guess you didn't account for everything," Salem said, without as convincing of a triumphant tone as usual.

"How many Grimm did he have with him?" Shine asked. "No, never mind, I don't want to know. I have to get over there."

"Just like that?" Salem didn't think she'd give in.

"What, you think I'm going to ask you to call them off?" Shine said scornfully. "I don't want any favors from you. I came to give, not to take. If you're wise you'll stay here while I clean up this mess. I don't want to see you outside this castle till tomorrow. I'll be back then."

"You're so confident you'll stop this attack in time," Salem said.

"I hardly think they need my help, but if by some chance they do, I trust I will be there in time," Shine said. "Hadn't you better hope so? Stay here."

She walked right past Salem and yanked open the door just as if magic hadn't shut it, then she slammed it behind her right in Salem's face, almost.

Salem was left speechless for a second before she thought to check her Seer to see if the Grimm had leveled the camp.

* * *

In fact, they'd found it at least 20 minutes ago.

The others had all been waiting, watching.

Ruby paced restlessly.

"I can't believe we let this happen to Mercury," she said. "They have to rescue him... I can't bear it."

"Whatever happens, Ruby, it wasn't your fault," Yang said, kicking a rock. "He made a choice."

"Doesn't make it the right choice," Ruby said.

"The boy made the choice to save someone else," Hazel spoke. "Whatever happens, we know that he had his reasons. Noble ones. Sometimes we're only so fortunate."

"He's too young for that." Raven gestured flippantly. "Sending children to the battle line-- not much better than Ozpin."

"I didn't bring him on this," Ozpin muttered. "I knew Salem could not be trusted."

"Can we please not start that?" Oscar groaned. "I've had enough of the magic spells."

"Are you okay?" Pyrrha stopped in front of him to ask.

"I think, for now," he said weakly.

"Oscar?" Pyrrha was surprised. "I thought Ozpin was in control."

"Just for a bit, I think he retreated so that Salem wouldn't come looking for him," Oscar said. "Maybe he's easier to find than I am. There're no Hounds here... maybe she didn't have any more."

"She did say the one was an experiment," Hazel said. "I think she'd have made more if you hadn't assembled the Relics and Maidens."

"In a strange way, then, did we prevent more evil by doing that?" Pyrrha mused. "I just hope this works."

"You know, it's not getting Mercury that I'm concerned about," Raven commented. "I figure they can pull that off. It's what that means about Salem. If I was right all along, and she can't be reasoned with, this was for nothing."

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