234: It's Not What You Believe

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The heroes were hailed by several different people who wanted them to attend their events, but the main party was of course at the Council's location.

Winter said they all had to show up there at least for an hour and then they could quietly excuse themselves, but it was important to at least greet the officials after the ceremony.

And since promoting unity between the kingdoms was priority for now, they all agreed.

It was a short drive there, and thankfully the press were kept mostly out of the place.

"It's like being royalty almost," Blake said, looking back. "Wow..."

"I feel so important now," Sun fingered his medal. "We're legit. We're going to be considered important huntsmen now."

"It's a lot of pressure," Neptune said. "I don't feel wiser or stronger than anyone else."

"Says the guy who can make a literal tidal wave." Meridian said.

"Where did you crawl out of?" Mercury looked at him. "And what is that get up?"

Meridian was wearing his reigons fancy attire, which had a different look to it than the usual.

"I thought I looked right dashing," he said.

"Well it suits you," Weiss said drolly.

Willow finally found them. All their families had been invited to this part of the celebration also.

"I'm so proud of both of you," she hugged her daughters. "Your Grandfather would be so happy... he was awarded things once, you two have truly followed in his footsteps."

Whitely was hanging back and he looked a little forlorn.

"But really we couldn't have done it without Whitley's help," Weiss had learned a thing or two about sensitivity lately. "I know you guys didn't get a medal," she looked at him, Libby, Klein, and Willow. "But that was just because they only awarded them to people who did the last thing, up to that point you were all helping, so don't think we're just going to get a big head about it."

"Most heroes go unsung really," was Winter's acknowledgement of that. "But I must see to the officials before things get out of control."

She walked away.

Raven coughed. "Qrow, go with her."

"Why? I'm terrible at diplomacy," Qrow said.

"Not to drop hints," Glynda said. "But I think you would be wise to take Raven's advice for once."

"Why?" Qrow narrowed his eyes.

"Just do it, man," Wally said.

Qrow shrugged and walked away.

"Some people you have to beat an idea into their head with a sledge hammer," Raven gestured wildly.

"I must say, Raven, the irony of you getting a medal for your service after everything is not lost on me," Glynda said. "But I admit you earned it. I hope you plan to stay on the straight and narrow now."

"Well, I'm too old to start another tribe," Raven admitted. "But I don't know if I'm cut out for the cute little huntress life. I never was."

"We had an idea about that actually," Robyn said. "But I'd better let Winter talk about it. Well, congratulations to you all."

"I'm sorry you didn't get an award," Ruby said. "You guys helped a lot."

"Oh, what do I need an award for?" Robyn snorted. "Trust me, the networking I've done because of all this has been more than enough. In a weird way this might actually have saved Mantle in the most roundabout method possible. Go figure."

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